The point I am making is that SMBC didn't run round trying to find some way of stopping the Hibbert lane development once they had been approached by CAMSFC Consultant's, they already had plans, on the back burner, to develop Chadwick St. They (SMBC) warned CAMSFC representatives this at their first meeting, this idea that the Chadwick St. development is just a spoiling tactic is wrong. If this was not the case ASDA would have appealed against the decision, there are not many instances where ASDA don't go to appeal, this shows the professionalism of SMBC's planning dept.
Of course they "run round" their intention was to stop the Hibbert Lane, Supermarket. The Trinity Street site was rushed through all processes; Area Committee, Executive, Marketing, Planning. What often takes years was executed in months. Their was a multiplicity of uses that the Trinity St site could have been used for in SMBC'S development plan. If my recall is correct they varied from housing to a nightclub casino. There was a lot of bidding interest in the Trinity Street site and they weren't all proposing Supermarkets. Do you think that it was just a coincidence that SMBC decided to award to a developer who allegedly is building a supermarket, a Supermarket virtually the same size as the Hibbert Lane Asda and at exactly the same time ?
If they wanted a Supermarket on that site why didn't they build one years ago.
Are you actually saying that if ASDA hadn't appeared on Hibbert Lane that there would have been a Supermarket on Trinity Street anyway ?
If you are then I have to disagree.