A few thoughts…
I find that when putting out grit, it is best to fill a small bucket and destitute it by hand, as using a spade it lands up in heaps, with large areas between getting no grit.
It is a LOT easier to clear snow before anyone has walked on it, therefore I try to clear the payment outside my house a few times a day. (grit, clear, then re-grit seems to work best)
It a shame that all schools don’t pay staff a little more if they live within walking distance so that they don’t need to close as often. Also why don’t all school staff report to the local school, if they can’t make it to the school they normally work at?
Should all schools have a few hand operated grit spreaders and a stock of grit bugs, so that parents etc (and staff when a school has been closed) can gridt the roads and paths near the school?
The gritters lorries should come along the roads by Marple High School when the snow has stopped (like now), so that it clears quicker.
In the Lakes they try to send a gritter out with each bus, so the buses keep working, why don’t we do the same? (It also means that when driving, the bus timetable tells you when roads will be clear.)