Isn't the main issue with turning into Manor Hill and Marple Hall to do with the shape, width, etc of the junctions?
Depending on which direction you're travelling from, both junctions are awkward to turn into (and out of if turning left), especially if there is a car already at the junction waiting to turn out of the road.
Any cars that may or may not be parked further up the road from the junction may complicate matters, but they don't cause the initial issue.
Has anyone else noticed that its becoming extremely dangerous to enter and exit Marple Hall Drive from Stockport Road due to the increasing number of cars being parked on one side.
Due to the nature of the junction, the width and angles of it's opening onto the main road it has always been an awkward road to turn into and out of (as has Manor Hill, but more so). There have been cars parked outside the houses there for as long as I've been driving through that estate (eek, nearly 20yrs now) and I can't say I've noticed there being any more than normal.
It was so bad this evening (which is why I feel compelled to mention it here as my first post) that the turning cars were actually causing traffic on the main Stockport Road to come to a standstill.
I'm not seeing how that is a problem. It might be mildly irritating for 30-60 seconds, but hey, that's life driving in Stockport (well, in most urban areas of the UK actually).
There is an accident waiting to happen here and so I would like to see what others think about the situation.
Accident, how so? If the cars on the main road are stationary, surely would massively reduce the likelihood of an accident? Also, the nature of the junction is such that you can't take the turning at any sort of speed, so it's not like someone is likely to enter Marple Hall Drive at speed, and then collide with a parked car, or one coming in the other direction, unless they are driving recklessly in the first place, in which case all bets are off anyway.
I realise that unless drivers are considerate to others there isn't so much the police or council can do about this type of situation.
Life on the UK roads would be much better if all road users did this.
However below are the two traffic offences I see that are being committed on a regular basis so can someone perhaps advise how to go about making the people that park here aware that their inconsiderate behavior is really becoming a nuisance and is extremely dangerous to a great many people who drive, cycle and walk in and out of the Marple Hall estate.
* Opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
* Obstruction
Don't know enough about the law to know if you are correct in saying that offences have been committed, but surely if you suspect that they have been, then phoning GM Police's non emergency number and reporting the suspected offences would be the way to go.
I would have thought that this would only be a matter for the Council if you were looking at petitioning them to have double yellow lines installed. BUt again, I don't know an awful lot about this, so could well be wrong.
It is worth mentioning that I believe the cars that are parked here on a regular basis most likely belong to home owners that do not actually live on this road but find it easier to park here than use or create their own off road parking places.
I assume that you mean you think that they belong to people who live on Station Road. Easy solution then, make them park outside their own houses. Can't see any problems with that, ...... oh.......