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Author Topic: Marple community council  (Read 4546 times)

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Adrian Taylor

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Marple community council
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2005, 05:58:13 PM »
Thank you Mark.
I will pass your offer on, sorry that you cannot attend at least one meeting.
My suggestion that you attend (just the one) a meeting of MCC might be useful for yourself, I do not recall your presence at any of our meetings and it would then enable you to find out a bit more about MCC. I recall Peter came to a meeting of MCC (twice) at the former Royal British Legion Club regarding the tidy up of The War Memorial, which was subsequently achieved.
Please note that I am no longer a member of MCC, but will pass your kind offer on to the committee, it is then up to them.
Just for the record, my reason for standing down from MCC is that I am not prepared to continue as a "One man band" in the sense of being Chairman, Secretary, Minute taker, meeting attender, etc. etc. as well as maintaining websites which few people in Marple actually visited (the web counts confirm this)- one does get weary after a while as in the song  "Sick O tryin" (Ole man river) and the "fun" bit does'nt seem to exist anymore.
I am pleased that MCC still exists, and may I say that there was no attempt to rid the community of MCC, but certainly there is a need to make the community Council more effective,
IF that's what the community wants.

Anyway best wishes to MCC.
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Marple community council
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 01:55:19 PM »
Thank you for providing the times of the meetings, I will add them to the events calendar.

I didn’t find the MCC site frustrating; in fact I quite liked it. I also think you should have persevered with it, but that’s only my opinion.

I only found it frustrating that the minutes didn’t appear as regularly as they did when the site first started. We had the same problem when we originally provided free pages for the MCC several years ago and it was interesting to see that they still occurred when the MCC were running it themselves.

My chosen means of communication is the Internet and it is through that medium and e-mail that the pages and links for all the other community groups represented on this site were created.

I would be pleased to help the MCC by providing a free page on the site again, now that their own one has been closed down, but I don’t see a need to take special measures in order to do so and I go to more than enough meetings as it is.

The offer is there, as it is for all local non-profit making groups. If the MCC are not aware of this, and given their community involvement they should be, or if they do not wish to take advantage of it, then fair enough.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Adrian Taylor

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Marple community council
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2005, 09:08:09 AM »
All ordinary meetings of MCC start at 7.30pm as always.

Sorry if you found the site frustrating Mark !!!

The websites we had simply did not generate the support within the community which we had hoped for.

If you wish to assist MCC Mark, why not attend one of their meetings yourself and have a chat or why not telephone one of the members yourself, the internet is not the only method of communication with we humans ?


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Marple community council
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 06:55:05 AM »
Thank you for updating us Adrian. If you can confirm what time the meetings start I'll add them to the forum events and calendar.

Personally I didn't think the MCC site was a waste of time, although it was frustrating not to be able to see the minutes appearing in more recent months.

We offer free pages on the Marple Website to local non-profit making organisations and this applies to MCC too. If anyone on the committee can find the time to put together a pack of information we'll be happy to set one up again.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Adrian Taylor

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Marple community council
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 02:26:35 PM »
Further Information on MCC:

The Members of the current Executive Committee are as follows (As confirmed at the November 2004 AGM):
 Â                            Tel No.
Mr. D. Jennings      4271838
Mrs. J. Marshall      4271410
Mr. A. Moors          4490798
Mr. J. Scotte          4274334
Mr. G. Seed           01663762532
Mr. M. Spreckley    4272598
Mr. J. Vaughan       4271904
Mr. J. Williams        4272813

Others may well attend ie The Police, a business representative etc.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Executive Committee and helping the Community Council to function, please attend the meetings as listed below or contact one of the above.
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Adrian Taylor

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Marple community council
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 02:05:50 PM »
In answer to a previous question about the Community Council, but certainly to this posting as follows:
-Yes the Community Council still exists.
-A rename was considered but did not happen, so Marple Community Council is still the name.
- Meetings will take place at the Navigation Hotel, all residents are welcome to attend as always.
Here are the dates:
Monday 11th. April
Monday 13th. June
Monday 8th. August
Monday 10th. October

November is the AGM (Exact date and place to be agreed)

The officers of MCC will be appointed at the first meeting (as above).

As always, please take an interest in this (and all other) community groups in Marple.

Yes the MCC website has gone, felt to be a "waste of time" by many I'm afraid, never mind, "did ones best" !!!!
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Marple community council
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 01:19:12 AM »
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the meeting at the "Navi" on Wednesday, any news on whats happening?