So you would be happy for our MP and all the others from this region and futher north to be absent from the House of Commons in order to be in the constituency would you? I was under the impression that we voted for someone to represent us in the House of Commons. To do that's he has to actually be in the House of Commons while it is sitting. If Mr Wragg (who I didn't vote for incidentally) stayed here and did not spend his time doing his job in the Commons, then we would have a valid complaint. The Commons is where he and all the other MPs are supposed to be. That's what we elect MPs to do.
No Condate, that isn't what
I said, it's what
you said I said . Furthermore I can assure you that I am sufficiently educated to know why we vote for our MP's, so please desist with the pompous lecture and try and have more respect. As I am sure you know Parliament doesn't sit 365 days a year, they have long recessions (it's all in the public domain, to better inform your opinion) and when Parliament is not sitting, our MP should be in his constituency.
By the way, I am not criticising our MP in any way, I am not saying that he isn't doing everything that he should be doing. I have no knowledge whatsoever as to where he is buying a house, as far as I'm concerned he can buy one where he likes. All I'm saying is that he needs to spend time in his constituency and I'm sure he would agree with me and I'm equally sure that he is doing so and whilst we are debating this, I've seen him a few times in Marple which is more than I can say for his predecessor.