Estate agency, done differently in Marple and District

Author Topic: Stepping Hill Hospital  (Read 6030 times)

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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2016, 10:33:54 AM »
Calm down Melancholy!   ;)

When you wrote:
A quick perusal online confirms that one quarter of the entire NHS budget - £26 billion, folks - has been set aside to deal with litigation.

... I assumed you meant the NHS spent 25% of its budget on litigation costs.  I thought maybe others might have read it that way too. Or maybe it's just that I'm stupid!


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2016, 11:18:56 PM »
Ah, I see. The headline is a bit misleading, implying that a quarter of NHS spending in any one year is allocated to the settlement of litigation claims!

What the article actually says is that the NHS has 'set aside' £26.1bn to cover its existing and future liabilities.  We are not told how far into the future they are planning, but this document

...... suggests that the annual cost is around £1 - £1.5 billion.  Still far too much, of course!

Damn right.

Thanks for explaining the article to everyone by the way. What I "actually" meant by my post was, well, what I said!

Of course the annual cost is lower... For now... But if lawyers' fees are quintupling it doesn't take a mathematician to work out that those annual costs are only going to go up. And of course the knock-on effect is far higher, as has been alluded by ROTHERS earlier in this thread... gut instincts from practitioners discounted in favour of hedging bets, less decisiveness means increased diagnostic testing, more appointments, etc etc.


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2016, 10:28:24 AM »

Ah, I see. The headline is a bit misleading, implying that a quarter of NHS spending in any one year is allocated to the settlement of litigation claims!

What the article actually says is that the NHS has 'set aside' £26.1bn to cover its existing and future liabilities.  We are not told how far into the future they are planning, but this document

...... suggests that the annual cost is around £1 - £1.5 billion.  Still far too much, of course! 

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Stepping Hill Hospita
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2016, 04:46:58 PM »
I have worked at both UHSM, Stepping Hill, MRI. I currently work and am proud to work at Tameside Hospital. They have made vast improvements since I have been there. I think it is harsh to judge unless you have genuinely had a personal bad experience yourself.
I ONLY judge if I have personal bad the case of Tameside more than once!!! And I can compare Tameside unfavourably with Stepping Hill on the basis of experience of both.


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2016, 09:53:44 AM »
A quick perusal online confirms that one quarter of the entire NHS budget - £26 billion, folks - has been set aside to deal with litigation.

That seems improbable, so say the least!  What's the source?


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospita
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2016, 08:20:07 PM »
I have worked at both UHSM, Stepping Hill, MRI. I currently work and am proud to work at Tameside Hospital. They have made vast improvements since I have been there. I think it is harsh to judge unless you have genuinely had a personal bad experience yourself.


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2016, 07:27:17 PM »
1. In the event of the closure of Stepping Hill (note the capital letters, "Amazon") Hospital, Tameside (there's an "e" in it, "Amazon") would be the nearest hospital to Marple an would be the obvious place to take Marple residents.

2. As for being careful (one "l", Amazon") about what I say, I haven't said anything that hasn't been said verbally or in print, neither was my Doctor's comment made to me in confidence.
amazon has all ways been spelt as it is .


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2016, 01:24:52 PM »
A quick perusal online confirms that one quarter of the entire NHS budget - £26 billion, folks - has been set aside to deal with litigation.

Within negligence claims paid in the last 5 years, lawyers' costs have quintupled.

These are truly depressing - one might say, crippling - statistics, whichever way you look at them.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2016, 12:45:28 PM »
I have worked in the NHS and been a supplier to the NHS since 1991.
The cost of drugs is the biggest spend in the NHS outside of salary's and also the biggest waste. Split packs are dumped etc.
Hate to say this, but if you have had a close loved pass away, they had enough drugs stashed to supply a small community pharmacy ?
Targets, new ones are introduced each year, they are called CQUIN's. The Trust will get £££ if they reach it, they are mainly put in place to improve patient care, ie discharge letter to your GP within 24 hours.
Not enought docs, nurses and staff in general. Put yourself in the shoes of the staff, example i earn £100 a day doing x, but i see bank staff earning £250, what would you do ? Also, a number retire at minimum age, then go back and 'consult' at a higher rate.
On the flip side of not enough staff in general, i visit a different hospital, on average, once a week, across the UK, i am alone, and on their side can be at minimum 3 staff, and upwards to about 9. Do they really need all those people, wasting time ?
Risk is a major factor now, they are frightened of being sued, so their has been a huge increase in diagnostic testing, so the docs protect themselves.  What do you see in hospital foyer's now ? Solicitors, quite a large one in Royal Liverpool Hospital.
I could go on and on... (its amazing the number of hospitals that have Burger King or MacDonalds inside them, Rotherham and Southampton to name 2), I have thought it for years, throwing more money at it wont fix it, it needs to be managed, and its just too big.
You are right there - too many chiefs and not enough indians.

A friend's daughter, in her thirties, qualified as a midwife four years ago. We are told repeatedly that the NHS is desperately short of midwives but the woman in question has not been able to get a permanent post, despite wanting one, and has been "on the Bank", travelling often as far as Wigan daily to work since she qualified. I assume she's good at her job as she is regularly asked to go back to hospitals she's worked in as a "temp" and she has never been out of work but she can't get a permanent job.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2016, 12:30:51 PM »
What has Tamside hospital to do with stepping hill .i think you should be very carefull what you say Henrietta .
1. In the event of the closure of Stepping Hill (note the capital letters, "Amazon") Hospital, Tameside (there's an "e" in it, "Amazon") would be the nearest hospital to Marple an would be the obvious place to take Marple residents.

2. As for being careful (one "l", Amazon") about what I say, I haven't said anything that hasn't been said verbally or in print, neither was my Doctor's comment made to me in confidence.


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2016, 12:04:07 PM »
I have worked in the NHS and been a supplier to the NHS since 1991.
The cost of drugs is the biggest spend in the NHS outside of salary's and also the biggest waste. Split packs are dumped etc.
Hate to say this, but if you have had a close loved pass away, they had enough drugs stashed to supply a small community pharmacy ?
Targets, new ones are introduced each year, they are called CQUIN's. The Trust will get £££ if they reach it, they are mainly put in place to improve patient care, ie discharge letter to your GP within 24 hours.
Not enought docs, nurses and staff in general. Put yourself in the shoes of the staff, example i earn £100 a day doing x, but i see bank staff earning £250, what would you do ? Also, a number retire at minimum age, then go back and 'consult' at a higher rate.
On the flip side of not enough staff in general, i visit a different hospital, on average, once a week, across the UK, i am alone, and on their side can be at minimum 3 staff, and upwards to about 9. Do they really need all those people, wasting time ?
Risk is a major factor now, they are frightened of being sued, so their has been a huge increase in diagnostic testing, so the docs protect themselves.  What do you see in hospital foyer's now ? Solicitors, quite a large one in Royal Liverpool Hospital.
I could go on and on... (its amazing the number of hospitals that have Burger King or MacDonalds inside them, Rotherham and Southampton to name 2), I have thought it for years, throwing more money at it wont fix it, it needs to be managed, and its just too big.
This should be published in the national newspapers well said .


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2016, 08:57:57 AM »
I have worked in the NHS and been a supplier to the NHS since 1991.
The cost of drugs is the biggest spend in the NHS outside of salary's and also the biggest waste. Split packs are dumped etc.
Hate to say this, but if you have had a close loved pass away, they had enough drugs stashed to supply a small community pharmacy ?
Targets, new ones are introduced each year, they are called CQUIN's. The Trust will get £££ if they reach it, they are mainly put in place to improve patient care, ie discharge letter to your GP within 24 hours.
Not enought docs, nurses and staff in general. Put yourself in the shoes of the staff, example i earn £100 a day doing x, but i see bank staff earning £250, what would you do ? Also, a number retire at minimum age, then go back and 'consult' at a higher rate.
On the flip side of not enough staff in general, i visit a different hospital, on average, once a week, across the UK, i am alone, and on their side can be at minimum 3 staff, and upwards to about 9. Do they really need all those people, wasting time ?
Risk is a major factor now, they are frightened of being sued, so their has been a huge increase in diagnostic testing, so the docs protect themselves.  What do you see in hospital foyer's now ? Solicitors, quite a large one in Royal Liverpool Hospital.
I could go on and on... (its amazing the number of hospitals that have Burger King or MacDonalds inside them, Rotherham and Southampton to name 2), I have thought it for years, throwing more money at it wont fix it, it needs to be managed, and its just too big.

Well said Rothers, more money isn't the answer. remove the lawyers, drug reps, management consultants and let the medical staff get on with doing what they do best.


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2016, 08:45:13 AM »
I have worked in the NHS and been a supplier to the NHS since 1991.
The cost of drugs is the biggest spend in the NHS outside of salary's and also the biggest waste. Split packs are dumped etc.
Hate to say this, but if you have had a close loved pass away, they had enough drugs stashed to supply a small community pharmacy ?
Targets, new ones are introduced each year, they are called CQUIN's. The Trust will get £££ if they reach it, they are mainly put in place to improve patient care, ie discharge letter to your GP within 24 hours.
Not enought docs, nurses and staff in general. Put yourself in the shoes of the staff, example i earn £100 a day doing x, but i see bank staff earning £250, what would you do ? Also, a number retire at minimum age, then go back and 'consult' at a higher rate.
On the flip side of not enough staff in general, i visit a different hospital, on average, once a week, across the UK, i am alone, and on their side can be at minimum 3 staff, and upwards to about 9. Do they really need all those people, wasting time ?
Risk is a major factor now, they are frightened of being sued, so their has been a huge increase in diagnostic testing, so the docs protect themselves.  What do you see in hospital foyer's now ? Solicitors, quite a large one in Royal Liverpool Hospital.
I could go on and on... (its amazing the number of hospitals that have Burger King or MacDonalds inside them, Rotherham and Southampton to name 2), I have thought it for years, throwing more money at it wont fix it, it needs to be managed, and its just too big.


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Re: Stepping Hill Hospital
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2016, 07:23:03 PM »
I think that's totally correct although for "grossly overspent their budget " could be seen as financial mismanagement for which someone should be held accountable.  Either way we the hospital users will bear the consequences as services are cut.

Every hospital in the UK is having problem, more and more sicker people arriving at the front door, and not being able to be send home out of the back door as councils have reduced social care budgets so much that many old people homes are closing. 
Then add on the every increasing cost of new drugs, that everyone thinks they have a right to have access to, but no one is willing to pay more tax to fund.

Most GPs are also at breaking points, so resulting in yet more people going to A&E as they can’t get to see their GP, so becomes so ill that they have to call 999.

Hospitals used to hide money each year, so that their accounts looked worse then they are, this hidden money has been used up over the last 10 years.   Stepping Hill Hospital just run out of money before most other hospitals.