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  • SMA 49th Annual Art Exhibition: April 28, 2017 - April 29, 2017

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Society of Marple Artists 49th Annual Exhibition [28 - 29 April 2017]
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 04:50:33 PM »
The Society of Marple Artists 49th Annual Exhibition 28th - 29th April 2017

Members of The Society of Marple Artists are again making preparations for this year’s annual exhibition. Last year was another successful exhibition and we had tremendous support from every member.  Attendance at the exhibition was once again very encouraging and we would like to thank the public for their continued support.  The chair, Steve Abbott is confident that our 49th exhibition will be as successful this year as it has been in previous years.

The event will be held, as usual, in the Methodist Church Hall, Church Lane, Marple, SK9 7AY on Friday 28th April from 10.00am until 9.00pm and on Saturday 29th April from 10.00am until 5.00pm.

Around 400 original new paintings and usually a small number of sculptures by the 120 members will be on display, giving visitors an opportunity to view and buy a wide range of work covering a variety of subjects, styles and media.

Members will be on hand to provide assistance and discuss their work.

Entry to the exhibition is free and refreshments are available.

Here are year's Peoples' Choice winners:

First Place, "May - A Portrait" by Elizabeth Challinor:

Second Place, "Three Sleepy Donkeys" by Eileen Hurst:

Third Place, "Oldham Street" by Hugh Winterbottom:

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website