I can't talk about but note the following from the Energy Saving Trust website:
"Air source heat pumps are usually easier to install than ground source as they don't need any trenches or drilling, but they are often less efficient than ground source heat pumps. Water source heat pumps can be used to provide heating in homes near to rivers, streams and lakes"
I do know someone who installed a ground source heat pump (in Kent not up here) as part of a new build attached to a huge plot of land so lots of space for the requisite pipework & they were v disappointed with the results. Though as advised they had factored in some additional heating for use at the coldest times they found the heat pump alone never got the house warm enough when needed, even in early autumn, and the suggested additional back ups were as a result, inadequate and they then had to install additional heat sources. They were not looking for tropical conditions just a moderately warm house. I know they would never take this approach again as it will end up costing them money, not saving it as they had hoped.