As far as I am aware, (contrary to the view of the High Lane Residents Association) High Lane is not an independent state nor a republic. It is in the political ward of South Marple. Therefore it is being proposed that 4000 houses be built in Marple. If you want to be pedantic, that's your choice, but pedantry won't do anything constructive for the people of Marple, north or south, or whatever you decide to call it.
Why don't you consider calling it 'Marple South with High Lane, Hawk Green & The Ridge
That way nobody gets left out and the ridicule can continue.
..."a proposal that will go to consultation." Consultation with whom? Residents of Marple? Residents of South Marple? Just the Residents of High Lane? Are you going to propose a motion about it to Full Council?
No councillor, instead of putting the 'record straight' as you call it, I call it party politicking. It's all I hear and see from you. You could try keeping a dignified silence, about your political opponents and use your energy on something else. Some of your colleagues seem able to achieve this.
"The feedback I have." Feed back from whom, can you tell us or is it a secret?
..."the GMSF will have to be drastically re-written." In what way, by whom, please tell us? Do we have your word on that?