Just bumping this topic from a few years ago - did anyone ever find out what the bangs were?
There have been more bangs for at least the last couple of Saturday nights - I heard them last week and someone on the facebook Marple Community Hub heard them last night.
I'm off Hollins Lane in Marple Bridge, looking out over Longhurst Lane with Roman Lakes/Strines in the distance. I think (although hard to tell at night) that the bangs seemed to come from the left of my house - which would mean Mellor or Mill Brow direction.
I heard three, about around 10/10.30pm last Saturday night, spaced out by maybe 5 minutes each. They were too big for shotguns, and I'm not close to fields so pretty sure it was nobody out hunting rabbits. They sounded like more of a "thump" than a "bang" - ie a ground explosion rather than fireworks. My first thought was actually a gas explosion somewhere in the distance, so obviously checked twitter and the news in the morning - but nothing.
It's probably just kids exploding a bucket of fireworks in a field somewhere - but if not then I'm really intrigued! Anybody have any ideas?