Well wheels, who's blog did you steal that rant from ?.
wheels isn't my biggest fan... as to interest net (or did you mean internet) bully, I didn't see you at the last area committee meeting
@wheels, whilst I might type plenty, it's based on fact and information and I follow up with evidence and action where I can... if you feel bullied
@wheels i think you have the problem not me
as to things we applied for budget for that we don't need or want...
£270k on windlehurst traffic "mitigation".... 84% of 1000 respondents say "remove in their entirety"... that money came from SEMMS
£260k on the Otterspool/Dooley Lane cycle path that is covered in leaves and so badly signposted that the cyclists still use the road but pedestrians walk on the "cycle only" path
£27k on Marple SLL traffic speed cushions.... 66% of residents who completed the consultation want them removed... that money came from government
£6m on Dean Lane cycle lanes that even cyclists are now saying they wont' use because they felt safer on the road as it was... (money from governemnt courtesy of Chris Boardman)
£150k (an old one) for the pavement widening at Seventeen Windows... they got their garden landscaped and retaining walls for free.... but the pavement 20 yards farther on is still narrow! Quick maths there but you've half a million towards a new swimming pool just on Marple spend alone, include the Dean Lane malarkey and you've got an olympic pool for Marple! and there'd be less traffic on Dean Lane going to their swimming pool because they'd be able to use Marple's.
@wheels wants to live in the 18th century in a little village called Marple before cars existed and wants for nothing other than can be made by the local cavedwellers