Would you like to take part in research about cognitive function, ageing and social engagement?Josie, a PhD Researcher at University of Manchester, is doing research about cognitive function, ageing and social engagement. She has asked if The Marple Website could advertise her study for those that could be interested in taking part? If this is something you would be interested please read the full details below and get in touch with Josie.
STUDY NAME:Language, executive function, and social participation across the adult lifespan: An EEG study
BRIEF ABSTRACT:An EEG study investigating the relationship between language, executive functions and social interactions throughout adult life.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION:This study uses questionnaires to look at your experiences of social inclusion and electroencephalography (EEG) to measure your brain’s response during performance of language and executive function tasks. You will be invited to attend a session in the EEG Lab in Zochonis Building, lasting approximately 2.5 hours.
An EEG cap (like a stretchy swimming cap with holes in it, see image below) will be placed on your head, the holes will be filled with gel, and electrodes will be placed in the holes to measure EEG, around your eyes to measure eye movements and blinks and on your throat and jaw to measure articulation movements.
Once the EEG setup is complete, we will record EEG whilst you perform tasks using language and an executive functions. The language tasks will include both comprehension and production of spoken language, the executive function tasks will require you to respond to cues on the computer screen.
Afterwards, we will remove the cap and electrodes, and you will be given the opportunity to wash the gel out of your hair. You will then be asked to complete questionnaires about loneliness, social contact and social support, as well as occupation, education and income and a brief cognitive test.
IMPORTANT NOTES:We will also ask you to complete questionnaires on your feelings and experiences of loneliness and social isolation. This will help us look for relationships between language/executive function and social participation.
If you would prefer not to answer such questions, please do not participate.
Please only participate in this study if you meet the eligibility requirements (below). If you have any questions, please contact the researchers.
- Native British English speakers
- Normal or corrected-to-normal vision
- Normal Hearing
- Right-handed
- No history of or present experience of neurological or psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression, epilepsy)
- Not currently taking any psychoactive medication (e.g., antidepressants)
DURATION:2.5 hours
REIMBURSEMENT:£20 (plus £5 for travel or parking with valid receipt).
RESEARCHER:If you are interested in taking part please contact Josie Kearney (
DNEP Ethics Approval Code: 2021-12350-20455. Ethics Approval Expiration: 27/08/2026