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Author Topic: Path from Lower Fold to Hogarth Road  (Read 1529 times)

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Re: Path from Lower Fold to Hogarth Road
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2022, 09:09:20 AM »
Just on small point paths in the Marple area are covered by New Mills RA not Stockport.  The Peak and Northern Footpath Society might also be another route you might take to raise the issue.


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Re: Path from Lower Fold to Hogarth Road
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2022, 04:44:00 PM »
The legal document (the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way in Stockport) shows this route as public footpath Marple 55 (the path to Constable Drive is Marple 56). Ownership of the land beneath this public highway is irrelevant to maintenance of the the route: this route has the legal status of a Public Footpath which can be used by all pedestrians 24/7. Stockport MBC has a statutory obligation to maintain this path to a standard enabling safe use by pedestrians only. If injury is suffered as a consequence of SMBC failing to maintain the path to a standard appropriate for pedestrian usage the Council could be deemed to be negligent in its maintenance of the route.  Be clear when you speak to a member of SMBC staff that you wish this matter to be referred to the Public Rights of Way Section, it is occasionally the case that general enquiry staff at SMBC are unaware of user rights so ask that your enquiry is directed to the Publics Rights of Way section NB not Highways (Highways deal with the roads and pavements). If you feel that the response given by Rights of Way staff is unsatisfactory referring the matter to your Councilor would certainly be wise. If you have no success via your Councilor, the footpaths officer of the Stockport Ramblers group may be able to advise about how to proceed. The path from Constable Drive to Lower Fold has been damaged due to flooding on a number of occasions (the drains on Constable Rd used to be unable to cope with prolonging heavy rainfall whether this is still the case I don't know) and the consequence was excess water flooding and partially washing away the surface of the public footpath. Public Rights of Way section of SMBC had to renovate the surface a couple of  times between about 1997 and approx 2010. 


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Re: Path from Lower Fold to Hogarth Road
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2022, 09:07:22 PM »
Does anyone know who owns the footpath that rises from the right hand  car park on the junction of Lower Fold and Hogarth Road?  It is the paved path not the footpath that goes off to the right towards Lowry Drive.  There is a paving stone on one of the steps that creeps forward each time someone stands on it.  There is now a gap that I can fit my foot into.  At night this path is pitch black and that gap is going to be hazardous.  The path is also used by parents and children going down to Ludworth Primary.  I have reported it four times to the council.  The first time someone pushed the paving stone back into place but didn't fix it properly.  The second time the council official told me that it wasn't the responsibility of the council but that she would chase up with whoever is responsible.  Nothing happened.  I have also mentioned it to Steve Gribbon but again, no response.  I reported it again today and was told by the council official that it was up to me to find out who owns the land via the Land Registry.  That isn't my responsibility and there is a cost to do that.  Someone must take responsibility.

I'm sure @Steve Gribbon can help here. The councillors get a huge number of enquiries and it may be that he hasn't been kept up to date by whoever he raised it with.


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Path from Lower Fold to Hogarth Road
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2022, 06:23:41 PM »
Does anyone know who owns the footpath that rises from the right hand  car park on the junction of Lower Fold and Hogarth Road?  It is the paved path not the footpath that goes off to the right towards Lowry Drive.  There is a paving stone on one of the steps that creeps forward each time someone stands on it.  There is now a gap that I can fit my foot into.  At night this path is pitch black and that gap is going to be hazardous.  The path is also used by parents and children going down to Ludworth Primary.  I have reported it four times to the council.  The first time someone pushed the paving stone back into place but didn't fix it properly.  The second time the council official told me that it wasn't the responsibility of the council but that she would chase up with whoever is responsible.  Nothing happened.  I have also mentioned it to Steve Gribbon but again, no response.  I reported it again today and was told by the council official that it was up to me to find out who owns the land via the Land Registry.  That isn't my responsibility and there is a cost to do that.  Someone must take responsibility.