I do love marple and its pubs, however I live about 15 seconds walk away from what was/is IMHO the worst in marple.
One evening I did chance upon it, thinkng that the grotty exterior could be hiding a little gem, an oasis cleverly disguised in tatty clothes to keep the place select and quiet. When I entererd I was totaly amazed - It was even worse than I imagined - I think at the time I compared it to my grandfathers care home but with a bar!
As i sat, with my extremely cold pint of nitro-flow, i began to ask why? Why was this pub like it is? Why was it practically emply? why did its clientele seem a bit too young/rough!?
I couldnt really answer these questions, which upset me a bit, because on paper this pub should work! its surrounded by nice houses, whose occupants all seem to be of a reasonable age, any may every once in a while fancy a drink, without the hike up the hill.
Maybe the owners could hear my musings, as several days later it was boarded up for a month undergoing a total 'refurb'. A last chance? possibly? If it fails in the next 18 months will it to be annexed onto the forthcoming cross lane housing development? I sincerely hope not.
This could well become another community pub, with the right landlord, outlook and atmosphere it could work. But I am only one man, and although I do like beer I dont know if I could keep a pub afloat! and im not sure if my accountant would allow me!
So I suppose in a way this is a cry to everyone else, I know its not 100 years old, I know its not a robbies house, i know the ceilings are low, and lacking a little in caracter - however i imagine it will have a heavy dose of faux crap hung on the walls! but give it a go, see what you think, and if you dont like it the railway is just down the track!