Although the programme was very positive, and good for Marple, I must admit I was mildly disappointed by a few things too. I noticed both the points that Aslan made (legging and sequence) and I also thought they got down the locks in some pretty big leaps, missing out lots of history on the way. I guess all that is constrained by the requirement to make a well-rounded programme, and they probably achieved that.
The biggest disappointment though was not the fault of the programme makers. Did you notice how when talking about the aqueduct, which is one of the most significant historical features on the entire canal network, all we got a proper view of was the viaduct and some old drawings and photos of the aqueduct. This is because it is impossible to get a decent view of the aqueduct from any angle due to the tangle of trees that have grown up and surrounded it. There are photographs from Victoria times that show what a magnificent structure it is but these cannot be replicated today, which I think is very sad. We are not making the most that we could of this grade I listed treasure and a scheduled ancient monument to boot.
Incidentally, if you want to know more detail about the history of the locks and canal, you can always take our virtual tour!