I thought that going through the District Centre Partnership minutes might provide some interesting insights into this topic, and it did, but I was surprised to find that the Partnership don't appear to have discussed it since February 2005, which is nearly two years! Perhaps they've run out of steam and given up?
Anyway, so you can see some of the recent history of this sorry saga, here are dated extracts from the Partnership minutes in ascending order:
25th NOVEMBER 2003
Memorial Park Entrance. All work now completed and the scheme has been well received by the partnership, traders and members of the public. It was noted that the scheme has prompted some improvements to adjacent properties, notably the Cinema gable wall, and the news of the empty Hanburys shop being leased by a furniture company.
15 JANUARY 2004
Vacant Premises
HB listed all the current vacant premises in the District Centre.
The future Hanburys occupants are still progressing negotiations with the Co-op but the development still looks positive.
8TH MARCH 2004
Planning Applications / Vacancies
Plans received for the new retail store for the former Hanburys unit and the adjacent unit (1 and 2 The Hollins), although protracted negotiations are still progressing between the Co-op, the building owners and the new retailer.
26th April 2004
Planning Applications / Vacancies
The protracted negotiations on the former Hanburys unit and the adjacent unit have now stalled with the prospective retailer withdrawing all interest.
However negotiations are currently taking place with another ‘well known clothes retailer’ interested in opening in Marple.
General dismay at the long period the premises have been vacant and the increasingly dilapidated appearance of the building.
21st June 2004
Hanburys Premises
DH introduced Patrick O’Herlihy, who through his business connections was able to give an update on the situation on the ongoing saga of the negotiations between all the parties. P O’H has agreed to informally raise the concerns of the partnership regarding the protracted negotiations and the deteriorating state of the building. It was agreed that the business forum would then formally write to those concerned to express the same.
16th August 2004
Hanbury’s Premises
Correspondence had taken place with the Co-op representatives by both the Business Forum and the Council with assurances received that some of the problems being experienced with respect to leasing arrangements should be resolved by September. If no progress with respect to new tenants then the Coop will be required to carry out the necessary repairs under the current lease arrangements. Partnership and Council officers will continue to monitor the situation and keep up the pressure on the Co-op.
18th October 2004
Hanbury’s Premises
P. O’H reported back on his continuing correspondence with a number of the individuals involved in this saga. He explained a number of positive actions have occurred that bring the possibility of ending the stalemate and the continuing vacant premises. Rent reviews have been agreed, (unit 2 - mid 2005 and unit 1 - mid 2008) and the CO OP confirms they will not be renewing their interest in the lease on these dates. A new interest has been received by the agents from a well known Restaurant / bar chain, initially rejected by the landlord, however a letter asking them to reconsider has been sent from the Business Forum, as support for this use is widespread. Initial discussions with Stockport Council would indicate encouraging this use.
This is not a new situation to be in, but hope and perseverance still prevail.
MONDAY 6th December 2004
Hanburys Premises
P. O’H reported back on the latest situation.
The owners were not allowing the use of the buildings by the restaurant/pub chain (Barracuda) as in their opinion
1) This A3 use is contrary to UDP policy.
2) This use would ultimately detract from the investment value of the whole block. (A view confirmed by Patrick).
3) They are convinced that a retailer will come forward. (There are a lot of enquiries but all to date have not been progressed).
The possibility of letting the smaller unit (No 2) in isolation had been considered and a 'fast food takeaway' were interested. The feeling at the Partnership was that this was also contrary to UDP policy and was also the wrong type of use and could cause more obvious problems. The possibility of sub dividing the larger unit (No1) was discussed as another means of attracting suitable retailers.
The Coop estates have undertaken to improve the appearance of the building and to date have boarded up the ground floor windows and painted them grey. They intend to board the upper level too and then paint all the boards black. Some concern that this creates a blank canvas for graffiti, fly posting etc, and so would need a to be closely monitored.
The Coop have also confirmed that they are to completely relinquish their involvement at the end of the current leases (No 1 in 2007 and No 2 in 2005) and are not interested in taking any future short term lease.
The Owners are also to undertake a comprehensive programme of refurbishment of the whole block including the upper floors.
Although no nearer to having the premises occupied, at least the premises are being improved and the prospect of the total refurbishment is encouraging. Everyone is hopeful that at least in the long term when the leases have expired there will be a greater likelihood of retailers coming forward.
Patrick was thanked for his continuing efforts.
MONDAY 14th February 2005
2. Notes of last meeting
DH made brief resume of the minutes and added a short update on the Hanburys situation. No further progress on attracting new tenants. PO’H is continuing to monitor the situation. The building frontage has now been improved with the ground floor boarded up windows painted black. There has been no appearance of any graffiti, and MW explained the potential to paint a suitable mural is being explored.