I had replied earlier, but it seems to have got lost, so Re Notice boards. The starting point is Rosehill at the end of the Middlewood Way. At present visitors arriving at Rosehill from the Macclesfield direction are faced with the Council's Refuse Disposal Point and promptly turn back. A Notice Board here showing directions to the Town Centre, Memorial Park, Canal Complex, Brabyns Park, Marple Bridge, Etherow Country Park & Chadkirk is what is required, with similar Notice Boards in all these locations. Some may think this unnecessary, but in a little survey I did some time ago I was surprised to find people from Barnsley, Nantwich, Sandbach, and even a couple from Essex whose hobby was riding all the Cycle ways in the country. They had come up to Derbyshire and had heard of the Middlewood Way - their comment at the time was that the Stockport end of the Middlewood Way was probably the worst track they had ridden.
Really the Notice Boards should be the responsibility of Stockport MBC but they seem more ready to put up useless Corporate Notice Boards in all the Parks which merely publicise Stockport MBC and fail to offer any useful information to visitors - should you want to know where the toilets are you can phone the Parks Department, just make sure it is during working hours. Chadkirk does have a Notice Board which tells you how to get to Oldham!! I imagine cooperation between Local History enthusiasts, Conservationists and possibly Ridge College Art Students could produce an attractive series of Notice Boards. On the Continent you frequently find such Notice Boards at the entry to villages which are probably subsidised by local Businesses who advertise around the perimeter of the Board.