Twinkletoes says - I'm sorry but that sounds really boring...... A notice board? Sign Posts? Oh my goodness live a little guys be adventurus!
As one who has been campaigning several years for worthwhile notice boards in Marple - not the horrendously expensive useless corporate notice boards Stockport MBC like to provide - I do not consider notice boards boring. PJ Jarvis says - How about an assault course/trim trail around the grass area starting at the older children park and going down towards the canal? Great but how do visitors find their way to them if, for example, they start from Marple Station or Brabyns Park..
Several years ago the Council was shamed into providing an adventure cycle course in Brabyns Park - it's near the Iron Bridge - but practically no-one knows it is there, furthermore visitors to Marple Memorial Park probably do not even know that Brabyns Park itself is there. Although after pressure an additional notice board was put up by Stockport MBC in the Memorial Park there is nothing there to encourage people to visit other places in the area. For example Chadkirk is on the map but nothing to say why you should go there.
Notice boards aren't boring, they are essential if we are to help Marple Community by encouraging visitors to the area with the benefits to local cafes, pubs etc, and even Stockport MBC's own attractions such as Etherow Country Park and Chadkirk Chapel. Just don't let Stockport MBC be responsible for the design of the notice boards.