I've received the letter below today from Ray Clayton of Chadkirk Dog Training Centre, with regard to this topic. Ray's defense of the club and his explanation of how "kennel cough" can be caught seems very reasonable to me. He has requested that I remove the topic but he has also asked for an apology from Marplian.
If I was to simply remove the topic then the apology from Marplian would be unlikely (as he / she would not be aware of the letter or the offence caused) and people who have seen the post and replied, mostly in defence, would not understand why it had been removed.
I have therefore added Ray's letter below so that everyone is aware of the offence that has been taken by the original posting. I will be letting Ray know that I have done this and if he would still prefer the topic to be removed then I will do that. So if it does disappear you will know why!
Marplian, you should consider your response to the request for an apology. Under the circumstance in which kennel cough can be caught I personally think it would be a fair and reasonable thing to do.
Chadkirk Dog Training Centre
Valley Cottage
Goyt Valley
Dear Mr. Whittaker,
It has been brought to my notice that on the 18th September a defamatory notice regarding the Dog Training Centre was posted on the Marple Forum and Notice Board under the name of “Marplian” and we would like you to remove it from the site.
Marplian refers to catching “kennel cough” after attending a class on the Monday night, and that it started coughing on the Tuesday. This would be impossible as the incubation period of Infectious Tracheobronchitis (as it is properly called) is 3 to 10 days, so the dog must have already been infected before it arrived. It could now have spread the disease to other members of the class, the owner’s sister’s dog plus any other dog it has been into contact with.
This virus can be caught by airborne transmission anywhere dogs meet, whether it is in the park, on the streets, in a class or even in a Vet’s waiting room. It can be vaccinated against, and any responsible owner taking their dog to mix with other dogs would see that this is done.
I feel that Marplian’s comment is certainly of a defamatory nature and that an apology from him or her would be appropriate.
Yours sincerely,
Ray Clayton.
(Chadkirk Dog Training Centre)