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Author Topic: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display  (Read 13340 times)

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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2009, 08:21:59 AM »
Doesnt this just mean that it will go back, to how it was when people set a fire up themselves, light and set the fireworks off anywhere they want....wonder how many accidents will be there this year?.

You would off thought that the pub,chippys and  newsagents could of all got together with the HGRA and organise something seeing as they make a roaring trade on this night.

If the women last year wasnt so rude,they might have made some more money.


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2009, 05:51:07 PM »
I'm afraid I've had it confirmed by a member of the HGRA committee that the Hawk Green Bonfire Display will NOT be going ahead this year. The reasons cited include a lack of stewards to cope with the increasing numbers attending (ironic - a victim of its own success) and too few people prepared to get involved in the organising of it. In addition, although it has been the intent to give profits to charity, last year they only just broke even so there was nothing to give for all the hard work put in.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2009, 03:19:32 PM »
The fireworks display at Hawk Green is fantastic.  In fact I'd stick my neck out and say it's the best bonfire and fireworks display in Cheshire. 

Hope it's on again this year.  Anyone got any news on this?


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Will Hawk Green be hosting another bonfire event 2009
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2009, 11:18:23 AM »

Can anyone tell me if Hawk Green will be hosting another Bonfire/Firework event this coming 5th Nov??

Thoroughly enjoy them each and every year  ;D


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2009, 11:11:26 AM »

Can anyone tell me if the Hawk Green Bonfire/Firework Display will be taking place again this year?
Will it be Thursday 5th Nov??

Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves last year  :D


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2009, 10:47:42 PM »
We dread every year the bonfire due to the fact that our lovely village green is turned into a muddy field in approx 3 hours with hundred's of people invading our quiet little village.  There was this year no crowd control with regard to fireworks being brought in, alcohol being consumed by under age drinkers, no toilet facilities for anyone so they used my drive instead!! and 2 fireworks being fired into the crowd which damaged my windows.  It is about time the councillors who all voted it in last year think again about having it on the small green and re consider a more suitable safe environment to house this amount of poeple.  As stated in a previous blog it is not all about raising money for charity as it seems that rarely happens due to costs.  I am sure if it is deemed to be policed safely this year it will be an impossibility  - perhaps they should go and shake their buckets at Brabyns bonfire.  Hawk green residents association (of which very few seem to live in hawk green or assist in the building of the bonfire and stewarding of the bonfire and ensuring safety on site after the fireworks have gone but the bonfire still alight) need to think long and hard about what they are going to do this year to carry out the bonfire night in a safe and controlling manner.

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2008, 10:11:37 AM »
Rachel, you're right I (we) shouldn't give the woman further thought (although perhaps the Bonfire Committee should). It's just I'm struggling to get going this Grey Monday morning....

Sorry Tina but the lady DID put me off making my intended donation, and she would do again. Although next time I would not contribute a thing with a clear conscience. Manners cost nothing but perhaps bad manners (off topic - now there was a band!) do. I don't condone rudeness because of an individuals passion - channel the passion but do not let her near the paying customers in future would be my recommendation. There must be some "back room" tasks that are required on the night.


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2008, 09:11:03 PM »
 I think you will find on the back of the programme they was selling, it mentions  The crown and Hawk green fryery as well as other local business' do in fact sponsor the event. I know for a fact as I have worked at the chippy for many years they have always contributed to all the Hawk green residents association events.
As for the rude lady, don't let her put you off making a donation as it does not go into her pocket! If it's the lady I'm thinking of... Rude yes but you can't take away the the passion she has for such events as she is always there doing her bit. All weathers and all year round! We just turn up on the night and enjoy it all for free. It cost's £5 per adult to get into Brabyns and all they asked for was a donation.


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2008, 09:25:38 AM »
I wouldnt really give this woman another thought, not everyone can be in high spirits on what is supposed to be a fun occasion , see it as her problem and forget about it.

I didnt get to go this year, but my husband and children did, they had a great time and said it was very very busy.

I noticed a comment about not much money being left for local charities, but I think whatever donations to charities whether they are big or small are always gratefully recieved :)


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2008, 08:50:29 PM »
well i was stood with heather and family as usual when this lady who i know stood in front of us stareing and not giving in shaking the bucket untill something was given. i have been going to the bonfire for well over 20years and i have donated every single year and we have never been treated like this. maybe she was having an off day, but that does not give her the right to take it out on people which could be classed as customers seen as we were paying for the fireworks. my parents were members of the hawk green residents ass so i know how much hard work goes into organising these events but that is still no excuse.


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 02:55:37 PM »
one frankly rude and unpleasant collection lady

In response to Rudolph Huckers comment I too had the same lady telling me the fireworks had stopped till enough money had been raise, I had earlier contributed to a very nice Older gentleman man who thanked me and hoped the children would enjoy the night. Then the lady came and shuck her bucket in my face asking for more contributions. :(


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 02:53:04 PM »
as the crown, the chip shop, and the off license do a roaring trade on bonfire night surly the could sponsor some of the fireworks  i donated quite willingly but the woman in question need leasons in manners  they cost nothing


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 11:34:50 AM »
I noticed the comment was"with money in pocket aplenty," not "with hand IN pocket about to unleash money aplenty," You also omit to say that the said pocket has been sewn up for years! :D

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2008, 07:43:29 PM »
A great display to be sure and would as usual have been an unreserved joy to attend but for one frankly rude and unpleasant collection lady, who knows, possibly the same one in dialogue with Susan below. Her vitriolic comment to the girlfriend (whose mind was squarely on the 4 year old in hand trying to beak free and get lost in the crowd at the time) who politely apologised for not having any money for a programme only to be accused with weighted sarcasm of attending a display of over 2000 fireworks without intending to support financially. I, 2 feet behind and with money in pocket aplenty, was frankly flabbergasted. For a good time I seriously considered not contributing anything but knowing that her attitude was in no way representative of all the others involved I have met in previous years, and knowing that the monies received are essential support, decided to half my donation. The balance has today been given to the Poppy Appeal...

Sorry Badger and the rest of the Hawk Green Residents Association  :(


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Re: Hawk Green Bonfire & Firework Display
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 03:01:29 PM »
What a really good job was done by all the volunteers on the clean up aftrt the event. A job well done.