Thanks to ‘green minded’ borough residents Stockport has the highest recycling and composting rates in Greater Manchester.
The annual report published by the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA) for 2007/08 shows that Stockport Council is the best performing authority in the area with a combined recycling and composting rate of 35.47% - up more than 3% on the previous year.
Councillor Stuart Bodsworth, Executive Member for the Environment, said: “I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all Stockport residents who regularly use their household recycling collection service and home composting bins. It’s thanks to these residents that we have such an impressive recycling rate.”
The Council also has the highest number of compost bin sales in Greater Manchester. Last year alone the Council sold 3,722 home compost bins through the ‘Recycle Now Home Composting’ scheme, and since April this year a further 1,500 bins have been sold. Home composting is another way of diverting waste from landfill and the end result is free compost to use on your garden.
Stockport has also seen a reduction in the amount of household refuse collected since the introduction of the new style bin bags.
Councillor Stuart Bodsworth, added: “This year we’re hoping our recycling rate will be even higher with the rollout of the blue wheelie bins for collecting mixed paper and card. Approximately 30,000 households have received this service which is already showing encouraging results. Next year, the Council plans to expand and improve its recycling collection service offered to households.”
Full details of the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority annual report can be viewed at