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Author Topic: Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up  (Read 8335 times)

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Re: Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2008, 09:43:10 AM »
That's an interesting link, Wolfman.  The list of areas where dog faeces may not be left includes 'any public walk or pleasure ground'.  Curious terminology there - the phrase 'public walk' is new to me.   Presumably it means 'public footpath', but if so, why not use the normal term?

If it really means that dog owners are supppsed to pick up on any public footpath, including those which cross fields covered in horse, cow and sheep droppings, then surely the law (not for the first time) is an ass!   :'(


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Re: Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2008, 07:47:19 PM »

Dog Fouling and the Law A guide for the public


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Re: Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2008, 04:53:49 PM »
Dave, I really dislike seeing poo bags just being left by dog owners. When I walk my dog I ALWAYS carry the poo bag with me until I can deposit it in a big. Leaving a plastic bag in a hedge or on a footpath is just littering, in my opinion, and pure laziness.


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Re: Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 02:50:09 PM »
Is it just me, or is all this fastidiousness going a bit too far nowadays?  I'm not defending those who allow their dogs to foul suburban pavements or parks or (worst of all) playgrounds and sports fields, but the other day I noticed warning signs on a muddy farm track called Primrose Lane, between Mellor Cross and Castle Edge Road.  The track has a generous covering of horse poo, cow poo, and (for all I know) fox poo, badger poo and many other varieties, but nevertheless there is a High Peak Council sign warning dog owners of dire consequences if they don't pick up after their pooches!  Seems a bit ridiculous to me, especially if (as sometimes happens) the offending matter is then neatly packed up in a non bio-degradeable plastic bag and left by the footpath!     ???


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Re: Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2008, 06:48:54 PM »
it takes two seconds to clean up after your dog we use nappy sacks from asda what we could do with is more bins to put it in,you can go quite a distance from one to another


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Dog owners face £50 fixed penalty if they don't clean up
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2008, 03:47:14 PM »
Dog owners are being warned they could face fines of £50 if they fail to clean up after their pet fouls in a public place.
Stockport Council have the power to issue fixed penalty notices to irresponsible dog owners and the local authority’s dog wardens are continuing to clamp down on offenders.

There is serious health risks associated with dog fouling. Salmonella, E.Coli and Campylobacter, the most common cause of diarrhoea in the UK, can all be caught from dog faeces.

Dog wardens now carry out patrols throughout the day, at times when pet owners are most likely to be walking their dogs. They will also be going into primary schools to speak to children about the health risks. Anyone caught failing to clear up after a dog they are walking will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for £50. Those who fail to pay the fine will be prosecuted and could face a further fine from the Magistrates Court of up to £1,000.

Councillor Stuart Bodsworth, Executive Member for the Environment said: “The majority of dog owners in Stockport are responsible and do clean up after their pets – however there is a small number who are willing to let others deal with the mess and the health hazard left behind by their pet. The Council's dog wardens use their enforcement powers to protect the rest of us from the few irresponsible pet owners.”

The Council provides free poop bags in all libraries and information centres to make it easier for dog owners to clean up after their pets.