Prosecutions - April 2004 to March 2005
• A total of 544 prosecutions were taken and 44 prosecutions were still pending
from April 2004 to March 2005, equating to an average of 4.0 and 0.4
prosecutions per authority respectively (or 4.4 overall).
• The number of prosecutions ranged from 0 in some authorities to 114 in one
Fixed penalty notices – April 2004 to March 2005
• There were 2,408 fixed penalty notices issued, of which 1,729 (72%) were paid.
• This equated to an average of 20 fixed penalty notices issued per authority.
• Figures ranged from no notices (in 21 authorities) to one authority issuing 405.
• Extrapolating this data provides an estimate that over 7,000 fixed penalty notices
were issued by local authorities in England during this time period.
Source ENCAMS runs the “keep Britain tidy campaign”
ENCAMS estimate that:-
There are 7.4 million dogs in the UK
Dogs produce 1000 tons of faeces everyday
16000 people a year get Toxocariasis which can cause blindness
754 people have been prosecuted over the last 3yrs
Councils have received 226.000 complaints.