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Author Topic: Cycling proficiency  (Read 12445 times)

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2009, 07:59:07 PM »
It's probalby a matter of cost too, the chaps I know both work for commercial firms, so someone pays for them to do the training.
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2009, 07:05:21 PM »
we irregularly get letters home from school asking for people to be cycle trainers...supposedly massive shortage and whereas when my eldest son (13) was at primary the courses were regular my daughter now in yr 6 has never been offered the opportunity to do on so clearly they exist.. somewhere but think it depends on parental involvement


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2009, 05:30:32 PM »
I wasn't aware that that was your aim. I personally know two people who work as cycle trainers, who work with children in local schools to privide cycle training - so I'm not sure why stockport seem to think it doesn't exist? THe person to contact would be Don Naylor, the cycling officer, I suppose.
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2009, 04:41:55 PM »
My intention in starting the topic "Cycling proficiency" was to try and find out if the thing still existed. It was also intended to try and get parents interested in the scheme. I tried to contact the town hall but got stone walled. Apparently there is another scheme supposed to be taking over from the proficiency thing but as yet Stockport has not taken this scheme on.
                                     It is amazing how topics get highjacked on this forum.

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2009, 01:44:02 PM »
OK so, er, I think we all now know the, er, cycling proficiency scheme still exists. Hope you found this thread useful Wolfman?



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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2009, 11:29:47 AM »
I don't know how to do the quote bit on here so all I can do is paste & copy this from CTCREP.

By the way CTREP the Marple Old road I mentioned is a 'cycle path/lane' for cyclists to use to prevent them having to ride dangerously round those bends with the double white lines, did you know that? Obviously this cyclist didn't know it or didn't care, I would imagine that a good cyclist (do they exist?), would study any area that they were going to cycle in to find out where cycle paths/lanes etc are located.

A good cyclist would recognise that if traveling from Stockport to Marple in order to use the 'marple old road' he would have to stop in the centre of a busy road to turn right into Marple old road, travel a relatively short distance down an unsurfaced track only to make another right turn back onto stockport  road. Which even you must agree is stupid.

plus that isn't a cycle path, it is just unsuitable for cars or motorbikes.


Ban them all unless they have insurance (not car insurance but Public Liability), pass a test, have an MOT on their bikes each year and pay road tax to ride the bike.

If you are a member of the ctc you have PLI, many serious cyclist have. Unlike the estimated 2 million uninsured drivers.


Many thanks for that, but your comment seemed to imply that I am actually bothered for somebody to know that I am racist against Saudis., I am not bothered and would love to spend hours explaining why I and thousands of other people hate the Saudis.

oh dear.


Yes I am racist and I admit it,

oh dear, oh dear


Why would the world be a better place if I rode a bike? Carbon Footprint? Like I said to CRTREP you don't know what I do for a job. I probably save more of a Carbon Footprint in 1 hour than most of you do in a week

hmm, that's great, you should pat your self on the back. what you fail to understand is none of us have a carbon footprint, we create it. so unless you get to work and start planting trees in some strange carpark carbon offsetting scheme, or maybe you have laid you desk to lawn you cant really save your own, saying that its probably something boring like flogging loft insulation.

I echo nbt's thoughts

"I have never heard such rubbish ion my life. It's people like you who "only travel to Stockport" that cause the problem, not the cyclist. If more people got out of their little tin boxes and rode bikes, the world would be a better place - because for a start, people would be less wound up about stuff that is pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Rover, you win the award for the most blinded, bigoted view I've seen on this board"

People cycle because its the fastest way to commute! and you can rant and rant as much as you like but at the end of the day you will be stuck in a tiny metal box listening to wogan staring at my arse as i wizz on by! and that's what makes drivers like you so so bitter.

Marple to stockport is about 4 miles, that takes me about 18 mins max, and I dint have to pay for parking!


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2009, 10:36:03 PM »
This is a topic about cycling in a forum about Marple. Please stick to the topic and avoid further debate about racism or I will remove all posts.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

the rover

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2009, 03:21:20 PM »

Thank you for that. I have a really good life, do you? I like being in my little tin box, I have spent many years using other forms of transport and I prefer to travel in my own comfort.
Why would the world be a better place if I rode a bike? Carbon Footprint? Like I said to CRTREP you don't know what I do for a job. I probably save more of a Carbon Footprint in 1 hour than most of you do in a week.


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2009, 01:43:02 PM »
I have never heared such rubbish ion my life. It's people like you who "only travel to Stockport" that cause the problem, not the cyclist. If more people got out of thier little tin boxes and rode bikes, the world would be a better place - beacuse for a start, people would be less wound up about stuff that is pretty much irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Rover, you win the award for the most blinded, bigoted view I've seen on this board
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist

the rover

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2009, 01:35:19 PM »

Many thanks for that, but your comment seemed to imply that I am actually bothered for somebody to know that I am racist against Saudi's., I am not bothered and would love to spend hours explaining why I and thousands of other people hate the Saudi's.

Yes I am racist and I admit it, most people would not admit being racist against a race of people but having spent 3 years living in the hell-hole called Saudi Arabia I along with many other thousands of ex-Saudi workers admit that we hated the Saudi's. Unless you have actually worked in Saudi Arabia (not in a luxury compound) then you don't know what to be racist means. So unless you have actually worked in any of the 3rd world countries during the 70's or 80's or early 90's then please don't comment about being racist as you do not know what you are talking about.

I hate cyclists but not from a racist point of view, I hate them because they are more likely to cause an accident by not doing the things that I previously said. Do they think of their families if they were killed, no! As I said, I would not cycle to work as I love my family too much to have them worrying each day as I cycled to work whether I would be knocked of my bike and killed. There is also the possibility that I could have an accident in my car but as I only drive to Stockport each day I am not likely to be killed in an accident in a traffic jam.


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2009, 01:09:08 PM »

CRTREP - as for you mentioning Pakistanis, I spent 10 months working over there and I am not racist against any other race on the planet, except Saudi Arabians.

Idiotic post of the year so far?

Rover - I presume CTCREP meant that you cannot generalise. CTCREP did not actually say you were racist. You have, however, managed that yourself so well done!  ::)


the rover

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2009, 12:18:33 PM »
I don't know how to do the quote bit on here so all I can do is paste & copy this from CTCREP.

"He says a rider was riding down the middle of his side of the road ignoring an Ambulance that wanted to get past. Could there be a reason for this? First let’s take the middle of the road bit. The Highway Code says “Leave plenty of room when passing parked vehicles and watch out for doors being opened or pedestrians stepping into your path”.  Is it possible the cyclist was simply following the Highway Code?"

The incident I mentioned is in a place that you did not know the location of! I will now tell you CTCREP and see if you change your view of this cyclist.

As you travel to Stockport from Marple  you go past 17 windows, the road has double white lines (do you know what they mean?), the road slopes slightly and then there is a sharp left hand bend opposite the entrance to the farm down below on the right. The cyclist rode right from the location where Marple Old road enters the main road in the middle of the road until past the left end bend as previously mentioned, it must have taken the Ambulance at least 5 minutes to get past him, why could he not have stopped, got off his bike, stood by the side of the road and let the ambulance past? The ambulance would have passed him very slowly. Somebody could/may have died during that time.

By the way CTREP the Marple Old road I mentioned is a 'cycle path/lane' for cyclists to use to prevent them having to ride dangeriously round those bends with the double white lines, did you know that? Obviously this cyclist didn't know it or didn't care, I would imagine that a good cyclist (do they exist?), would study any area that they were going to cycle in to find out where cycle paths/lanes etc are located.

If I were riding a bike, and I have done so in the past and taken my test, I would make sure I looked behind me before pulling out even if it meant I had to stop.I am not stupid enough to risk my life pulling out in into the path of a vehicle hoping that if one was there he would stop. Motorcyclists check behind them before overtaking anything why can't cyclists?
I would not ride a bike anymore as I consider my life and my familes life worth more than saving a few £'s each week by cycling to work. If I wanted to do it for exercise then I would use one of the many cycle ways provided for this, i.e. Middlewood Way, I see many cyclists at weekend and during the week unloading their bikes off their cars and riding down MW. They I do not hate because they are not on the road but I do wish they would have a bell on their bikes and use it to warn pedestrians that they are right up your backside.

CTREP - You have no idea what job I do so don't start trying to tell me what I know about the Highway Code, cameras at lights etc.
As for your remark about a cyclist being deaf, if he was and rode a bike then what a dangerous idiot he would be, not only risking his life but endagering others.

CRTREP - as for you mentioning Pakistanis, I spent 10 months working over there and I am not racist against any other race on the planet, except Saudi Arabians.

By the way CRTREP, if you think I could be jealous of a communting cyclist being quicker over a journey than congestion enraged motorists then you are a very sad person indeed who needs to get themselves some sort of life before it is too late and you get knocked off your bike by a motorist. Having spent 8 years travelling as a sardine on a train into Manchester, I now sit in my car in a traffic jam listening to my music with the temperature at what I want it quite happy. You see I allow time for sitting in a traffic jam on my way to work.

I am a very good driver who looks out for cyclists in my mirrors bacause if I treat them as idiots then I watch out for the many dangerous mistakes that I know they will do.

Appoligies to other people for the length of this post but as I said cyclists think they are somebody special and they are not.


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2009, 11:17:58 AM »
Bit of a jump cyclists to Pakistanis!

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2009, 06:11:01 PM »
I'm not sure it was good actually. Logical and understandable for sure but when you break it down, sorry CTCREP, it was a rant (as was rovers however his/hers was shorter :-)) and a rant based on "2 wrongs DO make a right" at that....

(But I'll forgive you....)


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Re: Cycling proficiency
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2009, 05:13:54 PM »
I'd say it was all good. Try to remember that the person on a bike is a person, and that person is somebody's son / daughter / wife  / husband etc and suddenly they're less of a target to be knocked off.
NBT: Notoriously Bad Typist