The following text is from a letter by local residents living near the development site to Waterways World magazine. Hopefully something will appear in the mag:MARPLE WHARF – PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTMarple Wharf (approx. 100 metres long) is located at the start of the Macclesfield Canal between bridge nos. 1 and 2, next to its junction with the Peak Forest Canal, and at the start of the descent through Marple's historic flight of sixteen locks on the way to the Ashton Canal.
The wharf area is currently owned by British Waterways, who use a Grade II listed warehouse building as its offices. The wharf also houses BW workshops and storage areas, as well as a water supply point, rubbish disposal and recycling point, and a sanitary station for boaters.
In addition, the site includes the moorings of the disabled access canal boat “New Horizons” run by the Stockport Canal Boat Trust. This boat was launched in 1981 by Prince Charles and it runs trips for people with disabilities, seven days a week between April and October, having carried over 2,000 passengers in 2008.
Photos are attached showing the current situation at the wharf.
Marple Wharf is of significant value in terms of the heritage of the canal as it symbolises the hub of the area’s former industries. Since the mid-1800s the area has been available for boats to load and unload and replenish supplies – a living testament to those who built it. The great scenic beauty of the canal attracts many visitors to the area throughout the year.
This has all now been put in jeopardy by BW’s proposals to develop the site, in a joint venture with H2O Urban Ltd. A “Consultation Event” was held on 30th January 2009 at the site’s BW offices enabling invited local residents to view and comment on plans of the proposals, which include converting the Grade II listed building into private dwellings and the building of a further nine houses on the site. The attached photos show the plans displayed by H2O at the event.
There is currently growing concern amongst Marple residents and the boating community regarding British Waterways’ proposals. Marple Civic Society has written to British Waterways to express their reservations, concluding that the proposals are inappropriate to this historically important site and are, in fact, a wasted of the opportunity to develop the heritage site with a more sensitive approach, involving people from the local community in the scheme.
The loss of the Marple facilities will be an extreme inconvenience to boaters who regularly use this stretch of canal and will be a disincentive for boat users planning their holidays and cruising time to visit Marple, resulting in a loss of revenue for local businesses.
The following are further observations made by local residents:
- The junction of the Macclesfield and Peak Forest Canals and the lock flight are key historical features at the heart of Marple, attracting local visitors as well as tourists to the area. The canal architecture is the subject of guides, postcards and paintings and the stretch between the Top Lock and the Ring O’Bells bridges is particularly distinctive. Far from the claim that the development will “enhance the site and positively contribute to the local area” and “positively address the canal”, a row of new houses would completely detract from the canal. It would change drastically the view of the area from both bridges and therefore we disagree with your statement that this proposal offers “an appropriate use that will deliver a positive future for the historic site”
- At present the view from the bridge on Church Lane towards the junction is particularly attractive and in keeping with the nature of the area with, usually, a number of canal boats moored up and few if any modern buildings in sight. It seems to me that to fill up the whole of one side of the canal with tightly packed modern houses would be an act of aesthetic vandalism
- I cannot see how it will enhance the site. Currently the site provides an open aspect alongside some old canal buildings. The easy access to the canalside is particularly important for the New Horizons disabled boat. The canal at Marple is important for drawing visitors to it and its beauty comes from the fact that there is not wall to wall housing alongside it.
- I am disappointed at the proposals to turn the grade II listed warehouse into private dwellings. I believe this building could be much better used by BW to provide services to the boating community and to the public. Such uses could include a heritage centre / boating museum / boating centre / cafe / restaurant / tourist information with the selling of souvenirs and boating supplies. I believe that (this) may mean less short term profit for BW but would lead to long term benefits for the local community, the boating community and the disabled who would use the New Horizons boat.
- Whilst we accept that this area could be improved and are aware of the need to recuperate funds, we are very disappointed that British Waterways considers this an appropriate proposal for this site as it completely ignores its legacy. Had the proposal involved the development of the Grade II listed building for purposes linked to canal heritage, education and leisure, and the improvement of the area for boaters and visitors with some public community use foreseen, then your claim that it will “enhance the setting of the conservation area” would have been justified. As it is, this would appear to be an incongruous cramming of houses into a tiny space with little genuine consideration of the nature of its unique surroundings, and the true impact it would have on them.A letter in the May 2006 issue of Waterways World regarding waterside development made some interesting points when referring to an editorial highlighting the plight of our canals as a result of British Waterways striving for financial self-sufficiency:
- In my experience, residents of such canalside properties begin to see the waterway as not only adding value to their premises, but also that it somehow belongs to them. This usually manifests itself through pressure groups lobbying BW to reduce visitor moorings, or the time allowed on each mooring within the area of the properties. Boats spoil the view, make noise and, at times, are considered undesirable when moored within the vicinity of such properties.
- I know of examples where BW has capitulated to strong lobbying, and has then imposed restrictions on moorings near residential areas.
- BW have a duty to ensure that the interests of the licence payer are upheld and, as custodians of the canal system, they must ensure parts of our heritage do not become highly desirable and expensive areas but “no go” areas for boaters.
- A close eye needs to be kept on BW as it strives for its financial independence, otherwise the true cost will be the loss of the systems and its use as we know it.This shows that if the planned development goes ahead we run the risk of losing not only the mooring spaces on the side of the canal alongside the new houses, which would inevitably be lost as they would adjoin the gardens of the proposed houses, but also those along the towpath on the opposite side of the canal – that is assuming boaters wanted to moor there at all, just a few feet away from the new houses.
The Marple Locks Heritage Society has said
“We are concerned about the loss of amenities for boaters, in particular the loss of the sluice, water supply and waste disposal area. The removal of these facilities will impact on the business and local community as boaters will be less likely to stop in Marple.”A privately-owned plot of land at one end of the wharf, adjacent to bridge no. 2 - which previously housed a car repairs garage - was sold in 2004 and an outline application was submitted to Stockport MBC by the new owners to build three houses. British Waterways wrote to the Council in August 2004 with their comments, which, interestingly, included:
- The Canal is designated as a Conservation Area, recognising its considerable environmental and heritage value. It is also adjacent to the Marple Yard complex of Canal Buildings, comprising two listed canal cottages, the listed boathouse and associated buildings. It is also adjacent to a listed canal bridge. The Church Yard Garage is therefore located in a sensitive area in environmental and heritage terms and any development on the site needs to be mindful of this setting.
- The Canal is also designated as a “Strategic Recreation Route” within the current UDP (Unitary Development Plan). Indeed, the Canal at this point forms part of the Cheshire Ring, making it attractive to recreational visitors, both land and water borne. The garage site is therefore highly prominent to a large number of visitors and it is important that any development on the site does not prejudice the high quality corridor to which the UDP aspires. Likewise, the garage site offers a unique opportunity to provide a local landmark and identity of the whole of the Canal side area between Lockside and Church Lane.The letter continued in a similar vein for three pages. It is disappointing that BW have not taken these very same principles into consideration when preparing the own current proposals for the adjoining site.
Stockport MP, Andrew Stunell, who is also Vice President of the Macclesfield Canal Society, has been approached by residents regarding the issue and is following the matter closely. The subject has also been raised in March 2009 at a Marple Area Committee meeting, a forum which gives the public the opportunity to hear matters which affect the lives of the local residents discussed by councillors. The Manchester Branch of the Inland Waterways has contacted Marple Civic Society for further details, and has expressed initial concerns.
Other local associations, groups and individuals are still becoming aware of the proposed development and further reservations and objections can be expected.
Views on the proposed development may be posted on the forum on The Marple Website (
(The attached photos are reproduced with the kind permission of The Marple Website)