Duke, Lets get one thing straight. If you are new to the area you don't know me personally or as a forum contributor. I am not a so called nimby!Seventeen Windows is in Offerton,hardly near my back yard. I object to planning departments giving the go ahead to unsympathetic restorations to buildings and landscaping be they listed or not. I also object to the fact that public money was used to fund landscaping and fencing for a private dwelling, in exchange for a strip of land that is niether here nor there.You have a lot to learn or are you just a wind up merchant?I like a bit of winding up it gets people going and can be healthy when it leads to discussion, ideas and other input.But your kind of wind up ,from someone who spouts off about issues you know nothing about makes me laugh. I have never mentioned his decorating or aything else inside his property I don't give a flying Fig.I do not wan't to see ill passed plans or gifting to individuals in Marple, Offerton or anywhere else in my country. Next issue Mr Fame? P.s the website has a spell checker for all to use.I find it curteous to forum members that posts are easy to read.
Fair enough Bless, what I should have done is appologise for being new to Marple and this forum, maybe say something like “I appologise but being a recent immigrant to Marple and brand new to this site I haven’t had a chance to read all the background to the 17 windows issue.”
Without appreciating it was public money spent on the property, it appeared that the complaints were all about the owner’s taste in design. Putting the issue of public money to one side, I thought it a bit off that the guy was being slated for his landscaping when after all, he’s the one who has to live in the property.
Now, having taken in the situation, I agree, the council should not be wasting our money somebody’s garden. Again, I should have posted something along those lines i.e. “I don’t like public money being spent on a private dwelling. I couldn’t care less if it’s pretty or not, just not happy about it being my money.”
OK, I’m a bit new and sometimes cliques form and it’s hard to get acceptance. What I tried to do was address the issues with humour in a slightly irreverent way. In making you laugh, I’ve clearly achieved and whilst I don’t a expect thanks, it’s nice to know I’ve brightened u your day, you’re very welcome.
On the spelling issue, I didn’t realize there was a spell checker, no wonder I received such a ‘curt’ reply ;-). I’m often typing blind as when responding to a long post, the words being typed are not always visible.