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Author Topic: Closure of All Saints Preschool  (Read 2597 times)

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Re: Closure of All Saints Preschool
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2009, 12:11:49 PM »
The comissioner of the guide hut says NO


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Re: Closure of All Saints Preschool
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 12:38:14 PM »
Thank you, I had considered the guide hut and will ask about it, it would mean we would have to make some adjustments but not much seeing as the guide hut caters for age 4+ anyway. I am relatively new to all this and hadn't realised that about the nursery situation with doodfield and peacefield. I think we are going to have to get the local counsellor involved and also speak to someone in charge of the hut as it has an enclosed play area and like you said would be a perfect location. Thank you :-)

Victor M

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Re: Closure of All Saints Preschool
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2009, 08:33:48 PM »
I know a little about the history of a nursery at All Saints. When Doodfield closed, the next school due to have a nursery provided was All Saints. However the nursery at Doodfield was relocated to Peacefield, reason that All saints didn't get it was that they were due for the next new nursery, this one wasn't new and could therefore be allocated to Peacefield!
Now that Peacefield nursery is being closed you could have a good reason for getting the nursery resource reallocated to All Saints and using the guide hut would be ideal as you could argue that it would not cost the council any additional money.
Also the closure of Peacefield and The Dale was after a revue of Primary School places in Marple, as far as I'm aware there has been no revue of nursery places in Marple.
The council will try and argue that there are suitable places at Rose Hill, but you could put the case that Rose Hill is too far away, and you would have to cross a busy road at lunchtime when there is no crossing patrol.
Best bet may be to contact your local councillor.

Hope this helps


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Re: Closure of All Saints Preschool
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2009, 06:23:33 PM »
Is the guide hut used during the hours that you specified? Perfect location!
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Closure of All Saints Preschool
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2009, 06:05:13 PM »
All Saints preschool is closing down.

As a parent in Marple this is a valuable asset to lose for residents of Hawk Green and this side of Marple town centre and parents for children at All Saints the nearest preschool with vacancies is The Dale as Treetops on Station Road is full. With the merger of Rose hill and The Dale and Peacefield the preschools are under discussion, where will the preschool children of Hawk Green go???

The parents of these children are trying to keep it alive. We are collecting signatures of residents of Marple in a bid to try and convince the council to allow us to keep the nursery. The parents are looking at improving the service so that it offers a wrap around care for parents 8am-6pm. We would love your ideas and opinions on this and suitable premises. The church may not be able to offer the rooms for these hours and therefore we would be looking at different opinions. One would possibly be a prefab building on All saints school field however this is greenbelt and therefore a tricky fight with the council and possibly local residents, even though it would be the best possibility for the preschool children to be so close to the school they will feed too.  If you know of other local buildings that may be suitable that the preschool could rent please let us know. The ideal option would be to have it council run however another option is a parent run committee. What do you think?