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Author Topic: New shop at Rose Hill  (Read 102618 times)

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #89 on: February 09, 2011, 08:35:15 PM »

Maybe , just maybe a price war with Premier is exactly what the community of Rose Hill needs ?


Clearly you are not or ever likely to be a business owner, and if you think Spar are able to compete with a price war you have not understood the content of this thread.

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #88 on: February 09, 2011, 08:14:42 PM »
Lets be honest here , SPAR is a convenience store located in convenient places as a rule .

Their prices reflect this , whether its the one in Rose Hill or the one opposite the entrance to Glastonbury .

Again I reiterate , I have never used Premier in my life as I prefer to use Spar , despite me knowing its more expensive than the shop next door but because it is more 'friendly' shop .

But unfortunately business is cut throat nowadays , people look to save money anywhere they can and very few people still visit the butchers , bakers , fishmongers to see a friendly face .

Maybe , just maybe a price war with Premier is exactly what the community of Rose Hill needs ?



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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #87 on: February 09, 2011, 05:36:35 PM »
Maybe the Rahj brothers have a concience, I personally also support the Spa and regularly use it. I'd even be prepared to sign a well versed local petition asking the Rahj brothers to re-consider their choice of location. It seems this situation is only going to end in tears.

I wouldn't bet on it!  Raja brothers (whether they are an individual, partnership or ltd company) made a conscious and very deliberate decision to open an equivalent shop next to an established one.  The inference must be that Premier intended to take the trade that had previously been enjoyed by Spar.

I think Raja brothers have done something similar in Adswood.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #86 on: February 09, 2011, 01:14:27 PM »
Maybe the Rahj brothers have a concience, I personally also support the Spa and regularly use it. I'd even be prepared to sign a well versed local petition asking the Rahj brothers to re-consider their choice of location. It seems this situation is only going to end in tears.

I wouldn't bet on it!  Raja brothers (whether they are an individual, partnership or ltd company) made a conscious and very deliberate decision to open an equivalent shop next to an established one.  The inference must be that Premier intended to take the trade that had previously been enjoyed by Spar.
In terms of business plans, it wouldnt surprise me if a mid term aim was to put Spar out of business and buy the premises in order to enlarge their own and rent out a (probably) very cosy family home of a flat above!

I don't think a petition would do any good at all - the only way to show community feeling is to vote with your feet - if nobody shopped in Premier,they would have to reconsider and perhaps move to Marple Bridge  :)


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #85 on: February 09, 2011, 09:17:45 AM »
Maybe the Rahj brothers have a concience, I personally also support the Spa and regularly use it. I'd even be prepared to sign a well versed local petition asking the Rahj brothers to re-consider their choice of location. It seems this situation is only going to end in tears.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #84 on: February 08, 2011, 11:37:40 PM »
Well well Marveld, I bet you never thought your initial comment would have kick started all this off. I never thought so many people lived in Rosehill.

I probably didn't, but it's been such an obvious move by Premier to muscle in, it's not surprising that it's become a hot topic.

I spoke to Mel very briefly today and introduced myself as "Marveld" (Mel was just on his way out). He knows me by my real name as a customer and is happy to outline what's going about the parking when I next pop-in. He has no obligation to tell me anything, but I sense he is keen to be open with his supporters. I shall respect his privacy and anything he tells me in confidence won't be repeated on this forum.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #83 on: February 08, 2011, 08:25:59 PM »
Well well Marveld, I bet you never thought your initial comment would have kick started all this off. I never thought so many people lived in Rosehill.  ;)

I have been once to the Spar and found the guy who I presume was Mel to be a very polite and welcoming guy. His wife was busy in the middle of the shop but took time to say hello.
I do not know either the people at the Spar or the staff at the Premier.

It is distrubing to hear that the couple at the Spar have supposedly been offensive. As I have said my visit was very pleasant. I don't use them more often as I live in MB. Prehaps the people at the Premier would be more aggresive if it was their livelyhoods and not just a part time job, which at the risk of being presumptious it probably is.
It seems to me that things have got tougher for the Spar and they are fighting for their livelyhoods. When backed into a corner any animal, human or otherwise will lash out. I personally feel sorry for them. In the blog posted by Mel, he apologised for his mistakes.
We are all entitled to opinions but after reading some of the comments posted some people need to give this couple a break ( i won't mention user names).
One writer posted after reading some of the comments that they would think before using the Spar again.
 I would ask you to put yourself in their shoes. Would you not fight for all you have worked for if it was under threat? 
I have run a small business that was under threat from a National company and believe me you find a fighting strength you never knew you had. Unfortunately we lost.
As I have said earlier we all have choices. You either support the Spar, you support the Premier, or you may even wish to use both, but to publicly slaughter someone and the way they deal with their situation is totally unacceptable. In my opinion.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #82 on: February 08, 2011, 04:44:46 PM »
I guess the dilemma is ... shall I support the shop which is owned by a couple (for whom it's their livelihood and home) who gave up everything to pursue the venture ?

Or shall I patronise the shop owned by a couple of businessmen who are just adding to their portfolio and to be honest, must be a bit ruthless to set up next to an almost identical shop in a place where there are only two shop premises!

Pity they didn't take their Premier store to Marple Bridge after the demise of Town Street Stores where it is needed much more  ::)

I think this post in the early days of this discussion sums it up really , I think you have to ask yourself that if the Spar shop shut,  would you be sad that they hadnt managed to succeed and would you miss it  ? and I think the majority of us would .  So lets support it .

The pressure must be unbearable , especially when you have a young family .  It appears that the Rahj brothers ( and it could be hearsay I do not know  it as fact ) can afford to sit and wait, undercut  the shop next door etc , and make no money at rosehill  untill a time that the spar has no option to close , and then would we be wishing we had supported the Spar more ?

For the sake of saving a few pennies  ( and I know that pennies all add up so no one shoot me ) , if you wish the Spar to stay , then bear this in mind
.........................  Waves my little flag and shouts  *SUPPORT THE SPAR*         :-*


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #81 on: February 08, 2011, 01:05:58 AM »
Hi marveld,rather not go into legalities here pop in and ill gladley explain the situation but crossing has been there for a long time and someone should have done their homework before trying to put me out of business. intead they stood there laughing telling me "you can sleep easy for twelve weeks before we close you down "a lot has gone on that people are unaware of and how would any of you like to have youre affairs discused in such a public fashion when the majority of comments are heresay or supposition and at worst complete fabrication. Speak to me i dont bite!


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #80 on: February 08, 2011, 12:12:15 AM »
I’m a SPAR supporter i.e. loyal customer, but Mel’s comments are intriguing -

the shop next door has no right of access across my property

we will soon be closing the car park at 10pm purely to abate the noise nuisance caused by cars and kids hanging around the car park

I’d appreciate Mel’s answers to these questions:- After looking at the new tarmac, the only vehicular access to the Premier car park area is across ‘your property’ (because of the location of the pedestrian crossing). Do you have the legal right to prevent cars gaining access to the Premier area? How do you intend to close the car park, e.g. barriers? I appreciate your rights to peace and quiet; your shop closes at 10pm, but Premier stay open until 11pm. If you are going to implement your plan, will cars need to park outside the houses on Dale road from 10pm – 11pm? Lastly, closing the car park will not stop kids from calling in at Premier for the last hour of trading and hanging around if they wish.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2011, 10:51:03 PM »
Thank you pink panther look forward to being formaly introduced and sorry stockport does get pretty frustrating when you see things going on and it seems the powers that be either cant or dont want to do any thing about it.perhaps you where just seen as  a friendly ear to bend,At the end of the day,we have done nothing wrong we have tried to become part of the community and from the support and favourable comments we have received we feel we have succeded .The shop opening next door was done with the intention of putting us out of business .they have done it before,I have spoken to retailers who lost everything ,its more cost efective to sell at a loss and drive you out than buy an existing business.I decided that i wouldnt give up without a fight i am protecting not only my family and home but also the jobs of our staff, all local people! And then to be attacked by people who dont know the whole story WHERE ARE THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT RAJA BROS! i do speak to people i tell them whats happening,why they opened i am always polite and a lot of people where not aware until informed  of the situation ,about 99.9% say how morally wrong it is and dont shop there again .You will allways get a small element who will gladly profit from what they are doing but to try to justify it by attacking me on sites this?what have i done to deserve it?


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2011, 10:12:46 PM »
Just a quick reminder to everyone not to get carried away here - try and keep it polite and respectful otherwise I'll have to close the topic down.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2011, 09:58:27 PM »
Just to confirm .. I have never set foot in Premier in my life .

Upto now  , always used Spar .

I was merely making a factual and very valid point about what goes on EVERYTIME i go in .



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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2011, 09:34:19 PM »
everytime I go in Spar , Mel or his wife is discussing the latest news about the Premier store .

Its either what theyve done wrong , or what theyve mis-sold .

To the point that , now - Its putting me off going in at all .


Have you not found though , that they only talk about it when asked, maybe you have over heard a conversation with a customer , whenever i go in, I have never heard them making conversation about it unless asked ..... you only have to look at this very topic to know that people are interested . I admit/, , I do ask what the latest is but I do know one of the ladies that works there personally , and I can hand on heart say that I have never, ever heard them talk about next door in a bad way , only how things are affecting them .    I only know Mel and his wife to say hello to ( not personally )  , they have always been lovely to me and my son when we call in .( and not used it as an opportunity to rant about the other shop, and I honestly not for a second believe that Mels wife swore at the children,  I think that smacks of desperation from Marple x .. but just my opinion )


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2011, 09:23:08 PM »
Hello Mel, and welcome to the forum.

I wouldnt worry about defending yourself , I honestly dont think it is necessary , I think credible arguements have gone out of the window ( in my opinion ) .

When im next in your shop, I shall say hello , and I will let you know who I am  from here x x

The majority of people I know are wishing you well, and hoping you can ride the storm , I wouldnt even  bother writing the wrongs of the premier shop,  it will just dishearten you ... onwards and upwards Mel :)

Regards, Pink Panther :)