I really like the couple in the spar shop, they are always nice and friendly and always have been since it opened .
I cant bring myself to walk in the shop next door, for some bonkers reason ( or maybe not bonkers ) I would feel totaly disloyal

But we have had discussions ( and usually in the car when we have driven past !) .. when you run a spar shop, do you buy the franchise, and run it like your own to make your own profit, or are you employed as managers, and get a set wage regardless of custom or not ??
And another question ... was it the spar shop that was not supposed to sell alcohol when it first applied for the tenancy of the premises because of the off licence next door, or was it Mace ( and then it didnt become a mace store and was a spar shop instead ) .... and are Mace stores and spar shops related ??