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Author Topic: New shop at Rose Hill  (Read 104696 times)

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Miss Marple

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #134 on: May 12, 2011, 10:42:06 PM »
We have a prime example of this in two other shops in Marple and to date nothing has appeared on this web site.  The shop I am referring to is Edal Carpets (think that's how it's spelt) near the pet shop.  That shop has been trading for as long as I can remember, selling furniture, carpets and the like for years without any local competition, then low and behold the shop next door becomes vacant and another business moves in selling exactly the same, give or take a few items.  So my point is that Nothing! That I can see on this site has made reference to a local family firm that has been trading for years now having direct competition.  So this is where I have begun to draw comparisons to what's happening with the Spar and Premier.  


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #133 on: May 12, 2011, 10:41:43 PM »
people will always believe what they want to believe or until they are proved wrong i spoke to someone recently who voiced similar views about the people next door he said they had always been nice and couldnt believe my report about what was going on apparently his father is a senior police officer  he returned a few days later and aplogised .he hasnt set foot in next door since .it will all come to light eventually, but i can tell you one thing my high moral standards also cover the truth and you can take anything i say as fact , Do you believe that an operation like the raid on next door ie.borders agency,customs and exice,licencing the police  and sniffer dogs are carried out without considerable organisation and inteligence.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #132 on: May 12, 2011, 10:06:32 PM »
I completely agree Miss Marple.

It was not a point necessarily considered and I did not wish to imply that racism was an underlying issue.  I was simply trying to reflect my recent experiences in the context of the competition between these 2 businesses and to give a balanced view of claims being made by one side against the other especially in the context of claims that they were irresponsibly selling restricted goods to underage customers when my Wife has always correctly been challenged to prove her age and uncomfortable I was made to feel in doing my shopping!!

If I felt that illegal practices were taking place then I would shop elsewhere!!!

In my visits to Raja Bros I have found the staff to be charming and helpful.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #131 on: May 12, 2011, 09:33:07 PM »
no one is being racist it just so happens that the people in question are of pakistani origin see report stockport times above

Miss Marple

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #130 on: May 12, 2011, 09:26:37 PM »
I keep being for some unknown reason mis quoted ?   I didn't say you or anyone else had been racist, I said it had undertones of racism which is a kin to indirect discrimination


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #129 on: May 12, 2011, 09:22:05 PM »
sorry miss marple  the penny just dropped the link to freshways dairy was not spurious the london dairy ships to manchester and this is the milk stocked and sold by raja bros.


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #128 on: May 12, 2011, 09:12:04 PM »
 i have not and will not make any racist comments, the law is the law if you break it you are a criminal regardless of race creed or colour the law does not discriminate thankfully

Miss Marple

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #127 on: May 12, 2011, 09:01:43 PM »
I am beginning to feel very uncomfortable with this topic as I feel it has undertones of racism   This is only my opinion but i have seen other businesses open up near to each other and I have never witnessed anything like this.  I think this topic should be closed !!!
         Sorry miss Marple its not for you to decide which topic should be closed .Admin will close if need be ..
  I said I think it should be closed. I also think that if it continues along  the same thread a greater power than Admin will close it down !


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #126 on: May 12, 2011, 08:57:14 PM »
I am beginning to feel very uncomfortable with this topic as I feel it has undertones of racism   This is only my opinion but i have seen other businesses open up near to each other and I have never witnessed anything like this.  I think this topic should be closed !!!
          Sorry miss Marple its not for you to decide which topic should be closed .Admin will close if need be ..

Miss Marple

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #125 on: May 12, 2011, 08:47:46 PM »
I am beginning to feel very uncomfortable with this topic as I feel it has undertones of racism   This is only my opinion but i have seen other businesses open up near to each other and I have never witnessed anything like this.  I think this topic should be closed !!!


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #123 on: May 12, 2011, 06:41:34 PM »
Sorry but when someone comes along and openly tells you they are going to put you out of business,the gloves are off.again im being slated for trying to protect my home,buisiness and the jobs of eight LOCAL PEOPLE, Try shopping in any other raja bros shop the prices bear no comparisen unless its next to another innocent shop keeper .what a lot of people dont understand in an area like this there is only enough money for one shop. I cant believe any of you are that nieve to believe if they put us out of business the prices would stay like that. our milk for example is cheaper than any of the multiples it comes from a local dairy. by comparison the milk next door comes from an asian owned  dairy in london who where recently charged with employing 24 illegal workers how do you think they sell it cheaper?The shop next door was raided by borders agency who arested two illegal workers DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT THESE ARE VICTIMLESS CRIMES! .Businesses like this cost our economy billions of pounds a year and who foots the bill ?yes thats right you and me!  I personaly do not see why i should subsidise criminal activity and if you have full knowlege of what they have been doing ,then it would be morally wrong for you to do the same (i think deep down you know this and thats why you feel uncomfortable about shopping there)and the reason why we dont stock freshways milk although it would make us competetive the cost didnt even enter the equasion I would never suport any business like this, I have high moral standards and expect the same from the whole community,Thanks to everybody ive spoken to thanking me for informing them of the situation and saving them from the embarisment of being seen shopping there as for the rest of you get used to the raja bros not being around for long because im not going to stop and ill make no appoligies Im determend as any of you would be to protect the jobs of our employees also my home and familly if you dont like it shop else where.I cant and wont accept paying tax to subsidise someone whos stealing the food from our mouths. So dont misquote me and if you think im wrong come and see me ill let you know exactly whats been going on illegal workers are just the tip of the iceberg you forget when you visit the the sight youre getting a five minute snapshot and not the whole picture


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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #122 on: May 12, 2011, 03:05:25 PM »
Hi All,  I'm new to this forum and just thought I'd add my piece from yesterday which really quite annoyed me!!!  I've recently bought a house in Rose Hill (Living here pretty much all my life but with my parents) and also recently got married so as you can all imagine money is very tight for me right now so the cheaper the better.

I'll admit I use to shop in the Spar and even though it was a little pricey but also very convenient and cant fault the owners as always friendly and said hello.  Since the Raja Bros has opened we've started shopping there because there is quite a difference in price and in my eyes much more variety so means we don't really have to go elsewhere for any other shopping and can get most the things we need there so suits us both to the ground as we both don't drive.

My Wife and I decided yesterday to pop to get a few necessities after work only to be questioned by I'm assuming the owner of the Spar (who as per reading this from what you say is always out smoking!!) and he was smoking when he came up and asked me why I was shopping in there and did I realise the taxes I pay are being used on the Police to come and raid the Raja Bros as though this is a daily occurrence.  I'm sure everyone who lives in the area will have known about the raids so if they still decide to shop there then surely its there choice and shouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable everytime we pop to the shop (He wasn't nasty or unpleasant, just made me feel very awkward!!).  I must admit in a way his task of making people avoid the shop has worked as if I see him outside again I'll be avoiding the shop as I don't want to be questioned and made to feel guilty for where I want to shop. 
I also realised it must be everyone who goes in as when we'd got our shopping and left the shop we noticed he'd tracked the last Gent who left before me to the crossing and was feeding him the same spiel which I thought was absolutely ridiculous.

So can I just say thanks to the owner of the Spar as trying to make the people avoid the Raja Bros has worked!!

Also I'd just like to also throw a fact on regarding the underage selling Tobacco and Alcohol.  This may be the case for some people and I'm not saying the wont but everytime my wife goes in who's 24 wanting cigarettes or alcohol she's always asked to present her id and even if they've served her before they still want her showing it which in my eyes is great so I cant fault them for this!!



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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #121 on: May 03, 2011, 04:15:51 PM »
Isn't it ironic that Premier (and others) used to complain that Spar used to limit the number of school kids allowed entry, and now Premier is doing the exact same thing!

Plus they have stopped selling half price newspapers so I won't be shopping in there anymore.

Duke Fame

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Re: New shop at Rose Hill
« Reply #120 on: May 02, 2011, 09:44:20 PM »
There may be a few in there but none of them will be 'working' in the traditional sense. Profits will be taken and distributed on a subsistence basis as, generally, certain cultures operate on a stricter family unit / hierarchy than others do. once you have offset your takings against costs, depreciation of a nice new 4x4 (which you will pay lower business road tax on) etc etc I expect there is little tax  to pay at all and no NI. (lets not go into wether they are registered as unemployed and on job seekers)

Let me reinforce at this point that info has been gleaned from a relative who works for HM Border Agency so this is his worldly view, and that it is prevalent accross all cultures within our society. As discussed on other threads its technically legal but morally corrupt.


Whilst I'd agree that the asian family unit is a little tighter, Premier would need a huge family to cover their businesses, it's a large business now. That said it may be based on a franchise model

I'm not aware of a low rate business road tax? Depriciatin on business vehicles is tax detucatble but it's a set formula for tax. I think you may be thinking of VAT being reclaimable on commercial vehicles.

Minimising tax is not a crime, in fact every individual and business tries it, if government stops viewing business as a cah cow to be milked, there would be less avoidance.