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Author Topic: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?  (Read 4273 times)

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Miss Marple

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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2010, 12:09:06 AM »
So who would one contact if they wanted to find out exactly what was available?
I have not forgot about this , the admin manager is on leave !


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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2010, 01:41:56 PM »
The board with all the Marple council chairmen's names on which hung in the council chamber and now upstairs in the Library disappeared when Stockport took over, I mentioned this to ex chairmen Monty Burton and Jim headridge about 15/20 years ago they did some rooting and found it in storage at Batersbys hat works Hempshaw Lane Stockport, what else is stored there  Ray


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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2010, 09:33:58 PM »
So who would one contact if they wanted to find out exactly what was available?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Miss Marple

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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2010, 08:42:41 PM »
I have been informed by the office manager that pictures and some bits have been stored centrally with items from the old Marple Council Chambers that used to be  at the memorial park

Miss Marple

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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2010, 11:04:09 PM »
I don't know where the items went  they will not be stored at the memorial offices as all the rooms are in use and the cellars flood when it rains.  I will make enquiries and keep you posted


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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 09:13:44 PM »
I am sure that Marple Local History Society would be very interested to learn what memorabilia is stored in the Memorial Park.
Perhaps it could be arranged for a couple of members to visit the Memorial Park and look at what they have ?

Miss Marple

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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 04:47:08 PM »
We are now hot desking so personalising desks and rooms have been stopped.  Prior to this there were pictures hanging all around the building with other things scattered here and there.  Due to 'New ways of working' all the pictures and bits and bobs were I was informed by the office manager stored, where I don't know but will ask on Monday.  When I worked at St Thomas  I was surprised by how much original work house memorabilia found its way into the the town hall. I know that a beautiful door from Marple Hall found itself in the Bowling Green Pub but that's probably gone a long time ago.  There must be lots of local people who have something from the hall as it was regularly ransacked by locals.


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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 04:00:08 PM »
I also work at the Memorial park and they have quite a lot of memorabilia which has been packed away.  I am sure if there was a museum the council would consider donating, much better than the items being stored. 

Thanks for your positive comments Miss Marple. Is there a way to discover what memorabilia the council has packed away? Is there an inventory? Who would one get in touch with to find out more please?
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

Miss Marple

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Re: What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2010, 03:41:51 PM »
I think it would be wonderful to have a museum in Marple.  Marple is steeped in history but sadly most people are unaware of the significance of Judge Bradshaw, Oldknow, The Andrews family , Carver Family and Arkwright  to name just a few.  I have a cannon ball from the grounds of Marple Hall (still not sent picture in as promised) and also a plate celebrating St Paul's church in Compstall being consecrated May 23rd 1841.  I would happly donate them to the museum.  I also work at the Memorial park and they have quite a lot of memorabilia which has been packed away.  I am sure if there was a museum the council would consider donating, much better than the items being stored.  It would be great if the Navigation Pub became vacant and instead of it being turned into a restaurant like the Robin Hood and the Wrights Arms it could be self supporting  as bed and breakfast incorporating the museum


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What Marple & District "Museum Pieces" do you have?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 11:27:03 AM »
I've been having a bit of a sort-out of the drawers and shelves in my office and have made a list of the items that if a museum or heritage centre in Marple was ever to become a reality I would be prepared to loan or donate to it. Does anyone else have anything like this tucked away in drawers or in the loft that may be of interest to other people?

  • Marple Hall coach lamp.
  • 1937 Coronation mug presented by Marple UDC.
  • Pot ink well found in Memorial Park.
  • John Jinks "Ring o' Bells, Marple" water jug.
  • Miniature teacup and saucer with Roman Bridge motif.
  • Silver rosebowl engraved "COMPSTALL March 5th 1910" presented to Liberal MP F Neilson on re-election plus newspaper article from Reporter 12 March 1910 that covers the story of the presentation.
  • Small china candlestick holder (I think) with Marple crest and Roman Bridge motif.
  • Set of engineering drawing tools in a wooden box presented to J. Tym, Compstall.
  • China egg with Marple Bridge crest.
  • 1990 Oldknow 200 thimble.
  • Joe Braddock's 1915 Boy Scout Diary.
  • Large 1911 Confectioners, Bakers & Allied Traders coin / medal with George V & Mary on front presented to R.J. Jones, Marple Nr. Stockport. In presentation case.
  • Lusitania propaganda medal in original box with original letter.
  • G. Swain, Navigation Inn, Marple 4d token.
  • 3 small enamel / gold and enamel / silver medals presented to J. Tym, Compstall. 2 are for Compstall Con Club Bowling League Championship 1931 and 1936, third is unidentified.
  • 1862 marmalade jar found at site of Mellor Mill.
  • A Marple Aqueduct jigsaw puzzle.

I also own the shutters from Marple Hall displayed at the library, which could be moved if the library were agreeable in the event that a more suitable heritage location were found.

What do you have, or what do you think about this? Would you like to see a local museum in Marple?

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website