Marple Transport Society 1979-2019Our Farewell Meetings Programme Autumn 2018 – Spring 2019Please note that, sadly, after 40 years, this will be our final programme of meetings.
Our attendances are still good (15-20), but nearly all our members are senior in years and finding new speakers is becoming more and more difficult.
Thank you to all who have supported us over the years.
John Davies, Chairman
2018September 6th - Visit to Avro Heritage Museum (Woodford).
Meet At Museum Car Park (not at gate) 10:30a.m (Entry Charge). Non Members Welcome.
September 12th - Brunel’s Broad Gauge by John Davies.
October 10th - Somerset and Dorset Railway by Melvyn Roberts.
November 14th - Shropshire Union Canal by Ian Moss.
December 12th - Christmas Quiz . Quizmaster Barry Meakin .
2019January 9th - Sir Edward Watkin MP – Railway Entrepreneur and Visionary by Geoff Scargill.
February 13th - Planning Mecca’s Transport Infrastructure by Simon Temple.
March 13th - Euston – Its Station and Destinations by John Hooley.
April 10th - British Rail in the 1980s. Railtours Around the UK by Steve Baynes.
May 8th - Members’ Slides and Farewell Meeting. Please bring your slides (up to 20) on a CD or a Memory Stick!) on any transport topic.
All meetings are held at Marple Forces and Social Club, Lime Kiln Lane, Marple SK6 6BX starting at 8. 00 p.m.
For further information contact: John Mee 427 5419 or John Davies 427 4885
Thank You To all Our Members and Guest Speakers for Your Support over the last 40 years.