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  • Oldknow Pie Competition: September 25, 2010

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Oldknow Annual Pie Competition 2010 [Entry 25 September]
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 08:26:41 AM »
Oldknow Annual Pie Competition 2010

1. Savoury Pie (meat, fish, vegetables, etc.)
2. Fruit Pie,
3. ‘A Pie for One’
4. Professional category (i.e. local businesses or pubs). Savoury or fruit.

PLUS a special prize for those under 18 years? Can you cook? Why not have a go and have a chance of winning!

Pies to be delivered before 1pm to the Pie Stand on Market Street on the Festival Food & Drink Day Saturday 25th September. If you wish to enter you can email or phone for details and an application form or just turn up on the day with your pie.

Email andrealjenkins2003(at), phone 07748-542672

The pies should be brought to Market Street at midday on Saturday 25th September.  They will be judged at 1 pm and the winner announced as soon as the judging is finished. Judging will be based on appearance, flavour, filling, pastry and topping.

Persons of any age may enter but only entrants under 18 are eligible to win the ‘Special Prize’.
If you don’t want to enter the pie competition then how about letting us have your old or new pie recipes so we can put them together for a small booklet. Bring them along to the pie stand on the day.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website