Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: How are we all finding the new bin service .  (Read 28752 times)

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2011, 09:02:13 PM »
In reply Come on Nick get real....I guess your name says it all.
How on earth are we ever going to get things done or have a voice heard in this country when we roll over and let the authorities call the tunes. I don't live in Africa I live in Marple Bridge and pay for the council to take away my rubbish. So whilst I respect your view please don't be so condescending to my point of view.
I have a right to whinge and will continue doing so until a voice has been heard.


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2010, 04:57:03 PM »
Looking forward to the point at which SMBC finally distribute all the recycling bags.   ::)

Still plagued with "manufacturing issues" apparently.
           And the larger green cadies for outside .


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #35 on: November 28, 2010, 04:12:04 PM »
Looking forward to the point at which SMBC finally distribute all the recycling bags.   ::)

Still plagued with "manufacturing issues" apparently.

Mr Marple

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2010, 01:15:59 PM »
One suggestion/thought, and you should wear protective clothing and goggles for this, is to brake down your waste physically if you can.

Brake them down to little bits and pieces if possible or get someone to do it for you if need be in that way you create space and, also, try to compress but you'll need to be strong for that one. 

As for the food recycling.....give it to the dog, they'll eat alot. Or maybe your pet rabbit if you have one or other pets.

Mr Marple

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2010, 12:45:32 PM »
It is typical that the council bring out an appropriate initiative such as this bin service and not put enough thought into it.
Such services do require the understanding/knowledge of the neighbourhood in which they operate e.g. size of family, amount of space on their property and on street for the bins, recycling services in the area and can they be easily reached by as many as possible in the neighbourhood?
What about thefts of the bins, even though it is unlikely...still...kids or anyone do stupid things.

There are so many differently sized families here in Marple that many will most certainly find problems, ofcourse they will probably find solutions as well. There will be those who aren't airing their opinion on this forum though which is a pity. As for those who don't live close enough to the recycling centre, have no car, have little money or are saving up, have mobility problems or other disability........then they'll be the ones who accumulate alot unfortunately.

Did someone recently say that the council will bring out another black bin? If so, I hope it helps.

I'd to know if people can give ideas of any solution to problems so as to help others out?


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2010, 06:26:59 PM »
Problem is some       people are not recycling they are just putting every thing in the black bin .

  two people near me don't give a toss paper bottles all in the black bin .over flowing with black bags

and they're the ones that are complaining!!


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2010, 03:38:57 PM »
Problem is some       people are not recycling they are just putting every thing in the black bin .

  two people near me don't give a toss paper bottles all in the black bin .over flowing with black bags


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2010, 01:08:41 PM »
Two bags of rubbish were left outside my house with a note delivered quoting the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and informing me that only rubbish in the black bin will be collected. Several other households had their bags left behind also. I have emailed Stockport Council for advice on what to do with the remaining rubbish and why a family of five is issued with the same size bin as a single person living alone?

I wonder how long it will be before we see an increase in fly tipping in Marple as people find themselves with all this rubbish to dispose of?

Which bus route would that be on then?

in that case

Proof, if any was needed, that what we have here is a flawed system that is doomed to fail. Thankyou for your contributions, andy. :)

Not in the slightest, I think the majority of people have managed to cope with putting their rubbish into a black bin in rather than a blue bag. I can't understand why anyone would find it tricky.

If you have more rubbish than fits into the black bin then it is your responsibility to get rid of it, as you would an old carpet or sofa.



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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #29 on: November 26, 2010, 11:26:49 AM »
Two bags of rubbish were left outside my house with a note delivered quoting the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and informing me that only rubbish in the black bin will be collected. Several other households had their bags left behind also. I have emailed Stockport Council for advice on what to do with the remaining rubbish and why a family of five is issued with the same size bin as a single person living alone?

I wonder how long it will be before we see an increase in fly tipping in Marple as people find themselves with all this rubbish to dispose of?

Which bus route would that be on then?

in that case

Proof, if any was needed, that what we have here is a flawed system that is doomed to fail. Thankyou for your contributions, andy. :)


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #28 on: November 25, 2010, 11:33:59 AM »
Two bags of rubbish were left outside my house with a note delivered quoting the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and informing me that only rubbish in the black bin will be collected. Several other households had their bags left behind also. I have emailed Stockport Council for advice on what to do with the remaining rubbish and why a family of five is issued with the same size bin as a single person living alone?

I wonder how long it will be before we see an increase in fly tipping in Marple as people find themselves with all this rubbish to dispose of?

Which bus route would that be on then?

in that case


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #27 on: November 25, 2010, 10:30:25 AM »

so your not grateful that stockport council have given you a second black bin that will save you having to dispose extra bags of rubbish yourself at a tip or have it rotting at the front of your house?

Having 3 extra bags of rubbish after 2 weeks is a bit extreme even for a family of 5. Just 3 people here but we are managing perfectly well and hardly any rubbish is going into the black bin and I can honestly say that if there were 5 of us then we would still be able to fit it all in.

Whinge, moan, whinge, moan.....if YOUR children were rooting through rubbish trying to salvage things to sell so they could eat and exposing themselves to harmful carcinogenic toxins as they are in some parts of Africa, then and only then could your whinging and moaning be justified!


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #26 on: November 25, 2010, 08:33:36 AM »
Two bags of rubbish were left outside my house with a note delivered quoting the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and informing me that only rubbish in the black bin will be collected. Several other households had their bags left behind also. I have emailed Stockport Council for advice on what to do with the remaining rubbish and why a family of five is issued with the same size bin as a single person living alone?

I wonder how long it will be before we see an increase in fly tipping in Marple as people find themselves with all this rubbish to dispose of?

Which bus route would that be on then?


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2010, 09:09:26 PM »
 ???  The world has gone mad. Put our overflowing black bin out on Monday with 3 bags that couldn't fit into the blooming thing. Our bin men took emptied the bin but left the bags. They put a sticker on the bin.
On phoning our beloved council the question was asked " There are 5 of us in the house how on earth do you expect us to get 2 weeks worth of rubbish in that little bin"?  RESULT: They are sending us another black bin so we now have 5.

We spilt and dissect all our rubbish only for the powers that be, send it to China, India or whereever and dump it all in 1 hole.



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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2010, 08:40:03 PM »
Its not helping marple tip still not ready for use .


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2010, 06:20:51 PM »
Two bags of rubbish were left outside my house with a note delivered quoting the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and informing me that only rubbish in the black bin will be collected. Several other households had their bags left behind also. I have emailed Stockport Council for advice on what to do with the remaining rubbish and why a family of five is issued with the same size bin as a single person living alone?

I wonder how long it will be before we see an increase in fly tipping in Marple as people find themselves with all this rubbish to dispose of?