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Author Topic: How are we all finding the new bin service .  (Read 28760 times)

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #82 on: January 12, 2011, 12:10:11 AM »
It's great, but will deteriorate when I leave my position as co -ordinator, I'm off to find a job thst's not considered to be a none job.  :P

Miss Marple

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #81 on: January 12, 2011, 12:02:11 AM »
And how are we all finding the new bin service   ;D


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #80 on: January 11, 2011, 11:49:19 PM »
Duke, Condescending?Your post is just that,I am not a child and don't feel I need to endure your sleep inducing lessons.also i am not aware of any cliques on this foum. ZZZZZZZZZZ Good Night.

Steptoe and Son

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #79 on: January 11, 2011, 11:19:31 PM »

I think I came across that problem earlier tonight when I was helping my son with his GCSE homework   ;)  ;D

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #78 on: January 11, 2011, 09:30:47 PM »
Duke I find your statements about co-ordinators rather sweeping.So if the local authority make their co-ordinators redundant from their 12k per anum jobs.A bit on the low side I think, they may have to spend some time on job seekers allowance or whatever it has changed it's title to.Depending on the individuals personal finances they could find themselves recieving more than 12k per anum pro rata, but would not be paying into the tax or Insurance system. Better some work being done than none. I hope any people on this forum who have co-ordinator in their job description,no matter what you earn, low or high ,make your feelings known to Mr Big aka The Duke pwhh !

I'm just trying to illustrate a point.

Mr A works in the productive sector & has a salary of £20,000 and the company he works for makes a £20,000 profit.

Mr B works for the public sector as a 5 a day co-ordinator. He ‘earns’ a salary of £20,000.

Now to pay that salary, the state taxes Mr A £10,000 and his employer £10,000 so Mr A has less money to spend on consuming the products the likes of his employer makes. His employ’s owners need £10,000 to live on so the employer is unable to reinvest in finding new markets. Because the employer hasn’t invested & found new markets, Mr A’s job is at risk eventually the employer closes down and nobody has any money. Eventually there are no tax revenues, the state have borrowed up to the eyeballs, loses it’s credit rating and the Chinese will not buy government gilts anymore. The IMF step in and say no more frivolous spending and Mr B loses his job.

So, how about Mr A says to the state, look, I eat an oranges, apples, bananas, cabbage, sprouts, calabrese and spinach. I don’t need to be told what to eat and to be honest, I find it a little condescending (Steptoe, Son & Blessedly Silent – that means talking down to people).
Mr A is now earning £20,000  and his employer makes a profit of £20,000. They are now taxed to pay Mr B’s £40 pw dole money, both are taxed £1040. The employer now can invest £8960 in his business, Mr A has spent some more money in the market place but saved £5,000. Mr A’s bankers have taken Mr A’s £5,000, mindful of a duty to maintain liquidity, lent £4,500 to some of the businesses Mr A has spent his £3,960 in (as they are doing so well), they are investing and all need a new employee. Mr B now has a choice of new employers because the economy is growing.
 Mr A's emplyers are also doing well haveing invested well and Mr A is still in a job.


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #77 on: January 11, 2011, 07:36:34 PM »
Duke I find your statements about co-ordinators rather sweeping.So if the local authority make their co-ordinators redundant from their 12k per anum jobs.A bit on the low side I think, they may have to spend some time on job seekers allowance or whatever it has changed it's title to.Depending on the individuals personal finances they could find themselves recieving more than 12k per anum pro rata, but would not be paying into the tax or Insurance system. Better some work being done than none. I hope any people on this forum who have co-ordinator in their job description,no matter what you earn, low or high ,make your feelings known to Mr Big aka The Duke pwhh !

Steptoe and Son

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #76 on: January 11, 2011, 07:18:51 PM »
You're going some on the assumptions apart from ignoring admin costs assume all the money is simply spent, and if it is just spent and people act as good obedient consumers, it all gets spent locally.  You also assume that if the money is spent locally, it's with a local business, despite the increasing dominance of national/international chains in towns such as Stockport.  Lastly, you assume that any private sector job is a dream job (and ergo, any public sector job is a wasteful drudge). 

Alternatively to your worldview, which I've gathered is unwavering and invariably right, there are 10 individuals carrying out jobs that promote a positive environmental message, and they get a great deal of job satisfaction from helping the local community and making Stockport a greener place to live.   Many people choose a job or career in the public sector precisely so they can make a difference to people's lives; supporting the vulnerable, improving life chances, building stronger communities...important issues where there's not a quick buck to be made, and making a buck isn't the point.

On the plus side for you, I can see these officers being involved in income generation...I'm sure that, in time, they will take on an enforcement role and will have a role in prosecuting people who, lets say, burn plastics or can't manage to put out a bin that's not overflowing  ;)

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #75 on: January 10, 2011, 09:01:30 PM »
Nice idea Duke.  There are about 120,000 council-tax paying households in Stockport.  So if you divide a saving of 136K equally between them, they will each save an average of 88p a year per household.  For that kind of saving, I think I'll stick with the recycling officers thanks.    ;)

I think you know my point Dave, for every recycling officer there is a crime awareness coordinator, benefits awareness officer, infact every role in hte council with the word coordinator or liason in the title seems to be a bit of a waste.

Miss Marple

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #74 on: January 10, 2011, 07:15:03 PM »
Pointless or unviable businesses fold Duke.  I don't detect much thought on your part for the many local authority employees you seem keen to put out of work either.  Personally, I find the greed and corruption of laissez faire capitalism rather shameful but each to his own.   In keeping with the thread, apart from the issue you had when you put out a bin that was was overflowing, are you happy with the new bin service?

Inviable businesses do fold, true but your post suggested you wish all businesses who don't hold your own hey nonny nonny recycling views to fail.

I do have a thought for the local authority employees who may lose their job. The way I see it, you get rid of 10 recycling officers on £12k a year that saves £136k in council tax allowing the public to have £136k (ignoring admin costs) in spending power hence that money gets spent in the local economy, the multiplyer effect means local business grows and takes on staff, hey presto, that then means those recycling officers get employed in real jobs. They get a real satisfaction by operating in the productive sector and rid themselves of the public sector restrictive practices and help there employers grow further and employ more staff. The employers grow and taxes are paid, reducing the public debt at the need to borrow.
  I would agree with you but sadley we live in Stockport and any monies saved would more than likely be spent on something like Seventeen Windows or the councils next waste of money the cycle track which must be costing hundreds of thousands  My god I hope to see people cycling 24hrs a day up that track unlike the pedestrian crossing near Seventeen Windows that no one crosses over  :-X


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #73 on: January 10, 2011, 05:10:46 PM »
Nice idea Duke.  There are about 120,000 council-tax paying households in Stockport.  So if you divide a saving of 136K equally between them, they will each save an average of 88p a year per household.  For that kind of saving, I think I'll stick with the recycling officers thanks.    ;)

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #72 on: January 10, 2011, 04:41:01 PM »
Pointless or unviable businesses fold Duke.  I don't detect much thought on your part for the many local authority employees you seem keen to put out of work either.  Personally, I find the greed and corruption of laissez faire capitalism rather shameful but each to his own.   In keeping with the thread, apart from the issue you had when you put out a bin that was was overflowing, are you happy with the new bin service?

Inviable businesses do fold, true but your post suggested you wish all businesses who don't hold your own hey nonny nonny recycling views to fail.

I do have a thought for the local authority employees who may lose their job. The way I see it, you get rid of 10 recycling officers on £12k a year that saves £136k in council tax allowing the public to have £136k (ignoring admin costs) in spending power hence that money gets spent in the local economy, the multiplyer effect means local business grows and takes on staff, hey presto, that then means those recycling officers get employed in real jobs. They get a real satisfaction by operating in the productive sector and rid themselves of the public sector restrictive practices and help there employers grow further and employ more staff. The employers grow and taxes are paid, reducing the public debt at the need to borrow.


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #71 on: January 10, 2011, 02:12:01 PM »
Sorry guys - I'm getting confused. It was Duke setting fire to the plastic, not Steptoe.    :o

Steptoe and Son

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #70 on: January 10, 2011, 01:54:29 PM »
No, far better when we had one bit collection for all waste. Compost went on the garden, paper, plastics & PVC on the fire

Your last post leaves two possible conclusions to be drawn Duke.  The first is that your having a hoot and trying to wind contributors up.  I'm sure, nay positive, it must be this, as I don't think your the curmudgeonly anti-social type who would burn plastics etc secure in the knowledge you were releasing pollutants and also put up such as fuss over recycling and doing a bit to halt enviromental degredation ;)


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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #69 on: January 10, 2011, 01:44:50 PM »
We're getting a bit off-topic, Duke, but have a look at this:

As for this: 
.... plastics & PVC on the fire

.....blimey Steptoe, you were living dangerously!   :D

Meanwhile, back on topic - I think the new bin service is fine.  The only drawback is that it relies on a 'flash-mob' of huge lorries descending on the same area on collection day.  So when it's a 'three-bin-day' (like today), the traffic snarl ups can be a pain.    >:(

Duke Fame

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Re: How are we all finding the new bin service .
« Reply #68 on: January 10, 2011, 01:26:54 PM »
Pointless or unviable businesses fold Duke.  I don't detect much thought on your part for the many local authority employees you seem keen to put out of work either.  Personally, I find the greed and corruption of laissez faire capitalism rather shameful but each to his own.   In keeping with the thread, apart from the issue you had when you put out a bin that was was overflowing, are you happy with the new bin service?

No, far better when we had one bit collection for all waste. Compost went on the garden, paper, plastics & PVC on the fire