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Author Topic: Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane  (Read 7277 times)

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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2002, 10:37:57 PM »
Every tried turning left out of Lisburne Lane before the lights?  Even crossing Offerton Road was risking your life.

Come to Toronto where we have bus lanes between 7-10 and 3-7 - they work properly and can also be used by taxis and 3 or more in a car.


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2002, 05:28:11 PM »

As a resident of Elmfield Drive I regularly watch with amusement at the carnage that unfolds outside the school gates at around 9':0'0am each morning. NB - I refer to the school run factor not out of self interest but with a professional interest (see my posting above) in case anyone thinks I would have something to gain.

Over the last few years people seem to use their cars for more regular and increasingly shorter journeys - mainly for the convenience factor. Then they moan about how difficult it is to get anywhere because of the jams!

It is my single most frustration as a transport planner to hear people on TV and radio arguing about how they 'cannot use public transport for their journey to work'. Why is that? Mainly because they work and live in two completely un-connected places which would never logically be connected by public transport - the only reason they can make their current work / live choice is due to the invention of the glorious motor car. If you choose to live miles from where you work - don't complain about the traffic congestion that you are helping to cause!

Marple is a bit of a one off though - all the useful public transport connections (like the train to Stockport and Macclesfield) have been removed and so the car is one of the few options residents have. After all - who would use the bus when they alos get stuck in the jams. But mention a bus lane in Stockport and the world thinks you are mad!!! The Stockport Times is full of 'angry of Poynton' complaining how their car journey to Central Manchester has been ruined by the new A6 bus lane...

Oh dear, I'm ranting again....  '<img'>

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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2002, 11:25:55 PM »
Oh yeah....

I used to work in all the Primary Schools in Marple,.... 9 o'clock assemblies were a nightmare for that reason.  Don't want to upset any parents that are on here, but really.... '<img'>


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2002, 09:01:18 PM »

I'm glad you brought up the "School Run" factor. I have two children at Rose Hill, 4 and 6. It constantly ASTONISHES me when I see people who live less than three quarters of a mile away from the school gates piling their children into cars and driving them to the school. This causes extraordinary jams on Bowden lane and Elmfield drive. I nearly ALWAYS get to the school before they do.

It's the same around Ludworth if you have to go down through Marple Bridge around 9.00am.


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2002, 07:10:22 PM »
Speaking as a relatively new resident in Marple (2.5 years and counting) you really don't choose to live here if you want to commute any distance by car!

Frankly the situation is almost unbelievable in the morning - especially if you need to get to the M60 or Stockport. The scariest thing of all though is that during the school holidays the congestion is negligable!!!! I'm a transport planner by profession and its a fact that over 15-20% of all journeys in the morning peak are people on 'the school run'. Think of how many cars out of Marple that equates to! Please, please walk your child to school, it will do them good! And before anyone comes back with the old 'its too dangerous, as there is so much traffic on he roads' just think about what you are doing in your car, hardly helping the other parents!!

Personally I use the train to get to work, one of my key reasons for choosing Marple as a place to live - they may be filthy, ancient and slow, but they don't sit in jams polluting the atmosphere. Bring on the tram to Stockport and the A6 Hazel Grove bypass, then lets see how bad things really are when people have this 'choice' that Stephen Byers is always bleating on about.

As for Lisburne Lane - there is a case for this junction being signalised but its not one that most people from Marple actually want to understand (based on the vitriolic letters to the Stockport Times!!'<img'> . Turning right out of Lisburne Lane used to only be an option if you were Luke Skywalker and could 'use the force'. Three heavy traffic streams blocked all attempts and made the junction very unsafe - in addition there are schoolkids everywhere round there. The scheme was EXTREMELY badly implemented and the officer at GMUTC who was responsible for the initial signal timings should be taken out and shot several times over - more recently though many of the problems seem to have been ironed out.

As you can see, transport is my pet topic. Lesson ended! '<img'>


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2002, 08:33:08 PM »
Actually, Harry - you're right. There is NO easy way of getting out of Marple in the mornings unless you leave before 7am. In fact - that's generally what I'll do if I have to be at work for 9am. I can leave early and get a good hour's work in before 9am.

Your comment on Tideswell is spot on too. I have to travel down to the wrong end of the M40 a fair bit, and rather than suffer the #### that is the M6 I go across the A619 to Chesterfield, down the M1 and then down the A42.M42 to the M4 junction. It's only 6 miles longer than getting to the same place but there's nowhere near as much traffic. And of course, when coming north, the section over the top from Chesterfield to Chapel, really gets blows those motorway cobwebs away. And the scenery is fantastic.


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2002, 03:21:56 PM »
Initially I think the Lisburne Lane lights must have been badly timed, as the queues were coming right back to Marple, but they seem to have sorted that now. Anyway, it has always been bad heading for Stockport town centre.

My problems are with going in other directions in the morning.

Trying to reach the M60, via Bents Lane, can easily take 45 minutes, and then one finds three lanes of standing traffic heading toward the M56.

Attempting to head in the other direction, across the A6 toward Bramhall is no better. It usually takes about 30 minutes to reach the A6, via either Torkington Road or Commercial Road. This, I think, has been worsened by the building of the new Sainsburys store and consequent roadworks.

I long ago came to the conclusion that if you dislike traffic jams either move away from Marple, as they are only going to get worse, or do as I often do and leave the house before 6.00am.

However, I must say, it is always pleasant when I have to go to the other side of the hills, Nottingham for example, and have that drive over Tideswell Moor and through Baslow. Hardly ever any traffic that way.


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2002, 08:24:10 PM »
It's added about 5 minutes to my journey in the morning. Mind you, I work out near the airport, so if I want to be there for 9am, I have to leave at 7:30am to be sure of getting there on time, so 5 minutes either way doesn't make much difference.


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Traffic lights at Lisburne Lane
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2002, 08:29:53 AM »
How have the new lights at Lisbourne Lane effected your journeys to Stockport?

Do you have to leave home earlier now?

Has the change benefitted anyone?

Have your say here...........

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website