Such a shame to read of The Devvy's demise. Mrs barndoor and I completed a Robinson's 'mystery shopper' visit there and everything about it was excellent: the effusive greeting from the landlady (who, from reading the previous comments, I gather would have been Louise), the drinks, food, cleanliness (the toilets were pristine), its overall appearance. It was obvious the landlady had a real pride in the place. I was so impressed I sent Robinsons a separate congratulatory e-mail in addition to completing the scorecard.
One thing that was missing, though, were customers. At the time of our visit there was a total of six: us, an elderly couple at the bar, and a separate couple who came in as we were leaving. Our visit was late-afternoon on a Saturday during the summer; I would have expected a few more drinkers than four to six at that time of the day.