This was in the newspapers before Christmas but I didn't see the article itself. Shortly after I received an email from Cllr. Martin Candler primarily regarding the toilets in Memorial Park (due to my involvement with Friends of MMP). Here's an extract from the minutes that are already published on the Friends web site:
6.5 Park Toilets
There was an article in the local papers recently announcing the closure of the park toilets. Unfortunately this was followed by them being closed due to problems caused by the freezing weather. They have now reopened following repairs and are expected to remain in use at least in the short-term. Cllr. Martin Candler has emailed the following clarification of the newspaper article:
As part of general improvements, what is being suggested is that public toilets in Marple be brought into the Stockport Community Toilet Scheme, which is already operating successfully elsewhere in the borough. Under this scheme the Council will aim to find three partners for each public toilet who are willing open their facilities to the public in exchange for a small fee to cover their costs. An agreement will be entered into which will ensure that members of the public will be able to use the facilities freely without being required to buy anything.
Marple councillors have alerted the Executive Councillor for the Environment, whose responsibility this is, about the possible risk that we may not be able to find three suitable partners for the toilets in the Memorial Park. In the meantime the status quo will remain.
Mark has requested assurances that the status quo will be maintained permanently if alternatives cannot be found and Cllr. Candler has undertaken to follow this up as the budget process unfolds and to keep the group informed.