Details of the work on the Dooley Lane junction can be found at... which...
"We are improving this busy junction by making the following changes to Dooley Lane where it joins Stockport Road. The main elements of the scheme are:
* To provide a full two lane approach for vehicles.
* To widen the footpath to 2 metres.
* To introduce traffic light controlled crossing facilities to make it safer for pedestrians and providing dropped kerbs and tactile paving.
* To lengthen the left turn lane for traffic turning left from Dooley Lane into Stockport Road
* To upgrade the signal equipment and controller
This work is wholly funded by Stockport Council."
The junction diagram on the website shows that the turn into Dooley Lane from Dan Bank will be/ is now tighter, with the traffic island there.
Having come back from Romiley twice this past week, 'Dad's Taxi Service plc.,at 11pm., the works are no great inconvenience at that time, apart from the powerful lights illuminating the works. My symparthy for those having to crawl along Dooley Lane during the day.