Miss Marple has asked me to post the following questions, which, after chasing for some time, she has been promised answers to by the end of the week from the Environmental Health Officer (Contaminated Land) at SMBC:(You really must learn to copy and paste Miss Marple

Thanks for getting back to me I hope that you have managed to read all of the complex document and are now able to answer a few questions that are of concern to me and my family members who live near the site:
1. Where was the contaminated soil taken too?
The reason I ask is that when I walked past like I do on many occasions the soil was built up in huge piles and there appeared to be no urgency in removing and making the area safe.
2. Did you not the disclaimer re not growing fruit and veg that a friend of mine was asked to sign before purchasing a property.
3.What are the toxic readings now?
4. Is it true as a report I had seen stated that each house was to stand on it's own membrane to prevent toxins or contamination seeping into the footings?
5. A builder who is a friend of mine has stated that no matter what is done now the toxins and contamination will rise to the surface over time. What contingency plans are in place ie how often do you intend to monitor the site once the development is completed?
6. What are the water readings of the surface water which is running into the stream on Middlewood Way?
I think I mentioned that I have taken samples for independently testing.
Can you get back to me with these answers, because as you are aware I have a continued interest in the site due to my father and many of his work mates having premature death, long standing ailments and a high
number of cancer related illnesses.