at least SMBC haven't gone down the selfish political show boating of the awful Richard Leese over in Manchester. That man is a disgrace.
Manchester is being cut by £102 million of government funding over the two years 2011 - 2013, while Stockport is losing 'just' 16.5 million. Council Leaders have a job to do, which includes standing up for their area and its residents and businesses. If you were the Leader of Manchester City Council, Duke, I think you'd probably engage in a spot of showboating too!
There is plenty more scope for cutting costs
Such as?
The town clerk of Manchester & Town Clerk no 2 have an inflated opinion of their own importance.
Showboating as you call it is just not on, it’s the tax-payer’s services, it’s the taxpayer’s money, it’s not his! He’s not standing up for residents & businesses, he couldn’t care less about them (especially businesses – perhaps with the exception of a certain favoured property business) He’s playing politics with people’s lives. A local council has to supply a few core services, libraries, bin collection, sweep the streets and keep the roads moving by putting tar on them. There are other core services of course but these do not include spending £6m of a brochure about buses, trams and congestion charges. Not about event organization, not about promoting favoured events. Maybe it's just my preference and that's why my local authority wasn't the one I voted for. Maybe that's democracy but I would value a library network over and above a Nuclear Free Local Secretariat & Policy and Research Officer @ £37k, New Media Manager @ £38k, Link Worker - Indian and East African Asian on £25,940; a Cultural Regeneration Officer (1) @ a cool £30k; another Cultural Regeneration Officer on a mere £28,919, Assistant Specialist Market Manager on £ 27,016...well it is only an assistant post, Corporate Lead Officer, Lesbians' issues ( I kid you not ) on £38k, Corporate Lead Officer, Gay Men's Issues, another £38k, a 'Zest' Hub Co-Ordinator ( whatever that is ) on £30k, Climate Change Officer £37,206, Team Strategic Development on salary of £41,616, a Creative Director on a juicy £120,000, An Expressive and Performing Arts Technician @ £21,519, a Travel Change Team Policy Officer on £34,549, Recycling officers……………….the list goes on. Does a cushy role within a council, really demand a salary in excess of £40,000? I was told by a unison rep that salary should be higher as there are not the opportunities within the public sector that there are in the private sector! Should we really be paying people more because they are unambitious???
As I say, I didn't vote for that being the priority and perhaps it was made clear when the Richard Leese was being elected that some services were clearly more important than others. I don't recall reading it but more fool me.