Post overwritten. Please do not respond aggressively to other users. Admin.
After reading this, I wont be posting much now on this website, Im sorry Mark, but I honestly have read enough, not just on this topic but others too, its reading things like this that are driving people away and not posting anymore .
Im sick of the bickering, Im sick of feeling that if you have an opinion that differs to some of the stronger posters on this board, then its classed as nonsense ( thats not necessarily from me, but from talking to other local people, and I have mentioned this in the past ) .
The whole Tesco issue is supposed to be bringing people together no matter what their opinions are on the matter , often I have had my mind changed on a subject by discussions and other peoples valid and thoughtfull opinions, on this, i feel its either one way , or no way .
You have worked so hard on this website, and commited so much of your own time , but I feel that the hard work you are doing is being over run by sometimes what seems hysteria and one upmanship , this website is your hard work, and I sometimes feel, that its been taken advantage of to make a point .( nobody shoot me its my own personal opinion )
Good luck with the campaign against Tescos for who ever gets involved , I actually voted for " I dont mind " ... and Im certainly not going to feel guilty for it either .