The point here is that the college's finance is dependant on the number of students it recruits. Even if Marple Hall had a small sixth form of about 150 students it would still make a considerable impact on the college.
The possibility of a relatively small sixth form developing at a future Marple Hall Academy is a much more realistic prospect. And as mabel points out, the school could become an academy quite quickly - IF it chose to apply. However, raising the capital to build a sixth form centre, in the current financial climate, would take much longer, of course.
But I can't agree that the impact on the college of 150 sixth-formers at Marple Hall would be 'considerable'. Camsfc is a very big college, with about 2,600 full-time equivalent students across all three of its sites. If the numbers were to fall to around 2,400 across two sites (Hibbert Lane having been sold), I suspect that the college woud still be financailly secure - indeed, probably more so than today, because the Hibbert Lane buildings are so inefficient.
As for this:
if it's so flipping good then why are the corporation not shouting how wonderful this will be for the people of MARPLE
I think there's already far too much shouting going on!

The college has set out its intentions clearly in this statement The benefits of the plan to the community are explained in the opening sentence: 'The current 1930s buildings at Hibbert Lane are very expensive, inefficient and inappropriate for education in the 21st century. Their annual maintenance costs continue to escalate – money which should be invested in direct teaching for the benefit of the students.'