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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 802456 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #908 on: September 07, 2011, 10:03:01 PM »
Just to give people Some Idea of How "slippery" the head of tesco UK's corporate affairs hes featured in this youtube video, Ironically being asked questions by a campaign trying to get tesco to close its store because its having a (very) negative effect on the local community.

That "slippery" gentleman is celebrating a victory over the UK today, having today got approval for a Tesco in the last remaining postcode area. 

Guardian : Tesco closes in on its final mainland UK postcode : After seven years of arguments, Harrogate opens door to superstore – on the site of a former gasworks


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #907 on: September 07, 2011, 09:50:51 PM »
Just to give people Some Idea of How "slippery" the head of tesco UK's corporate affairs hes featured in this youtube video, Ironically being asked questions by a campaign trying to get tesco to close its store because its having a (very) negative effect on the local community.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #906 on: September 07, 2011, 06:48:39 PM »
*When I say
The interseting thing is that people from hazel grove, which does have a supermarket, are actually backing the No campaign,
That is the general impression I get from looking on the forum, but as usual this is entirely my opinion, and is not based on any facts, juju, magic, voodoo, ancient cave markings or dilusions in any shape or form.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #905 on: September 07, 2011, 06:39:23 PM »
Has anyone had a look at what people on the hazel grove forum are saying about the campaign(s)?
It makes for interseting reading, Including one post saying "Can we get our ASDA closed down once Marple have been cursed with one ?"
You can have a look at the forum here :
The interseting thing is that people from hazel grove, which does have a supermarket, are actually backing the No campaign, although as usual there are some people who are trying to argue otherwise, One poster actually called some of the "no" campaigners "SNOBS"!
As a side note, I've discovered that Asdas come with the following "delux" features! Handy Roadworks going on constantly, even at 3AM, to ensure that your life is as hellish as possible! They will also through in "one lane" closures during the small hours, so that you can't get out of your house!

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #904 on: September 07, 2011, 05:38:28 PM »
As I’ve previously mentioned on another post how many families with access to a car would abandon it to do the
weekly shop at a supermarket on Hibbert Lane?
Unless you lived very close to the proposed Hibbert Lane store it is some achievement to carry say 10 Bags
of Heavy Shopping any distance!!!

This is why there would in my opinion a large and dramatic increase in the traffic within the Hibbert Lane area and within Marple Centre in General.

For example if you are a family from Marple Bridge or Stockport Road to Dan Bank Area and you currently
travel to Stockport or Bredbury to do your weekly shop, would you suddenly abandon your Car to do your weekly shop at a new store in Hibbert Lane?
If the no these families would drive to the new supermarket bringing increased traffic to the centre of Marple and the Hibbert Lane area.
This does not take into account the people from outside the Marple Area who would travel to a new store.
If the proposed New store was of a substantial size I am sure Asda, Tesco or whoever would be accounting for
people to be travelling from outside Marple to use it.

At present there are probably 150 Car Parking spaces on the Hibbert Lane College site. Say at present the majority of cars arrive between 8.30 & 9 AM and leave between 3 & 3.30 PM, which is approximately 300 car movements a day.

If a new supermarket was built and there was a similar car parking for 150 cars.

For example if the car park was always full between 8 am & 10 pm at night, each car stays an average of 30 mines that would = 300 car movements
every 30 minutes i.e. 150 in & 150 out. In total there would be over 8,000 car movements a day.

I appreciate that there we don’t know how big the car park would be or how busy it would be etc.

But given that the 150 space car park is a similar size to the Co-op there could be that many car movements over a busy period.

So in my opinion there would be without doubt be a dramatic increase in traffic.

In addition there would probably be an additional set of traffic lights and therefore a busy dangerous junction similar to the one on at Stockport Road/Hollins Lane would be created which does not
exist at present, plus all the knock on affects to the general traffic in the area.

Those additional car movemetns are in addition to the currents 300 car movements per day as these are simply moving 300m up the road.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #903 on: September 07, 2011, 04:09:00 PM »
As I’ve previously mentioned on another post how many families with access to a car would abandon it to do the
weekly shop at a supermarket on Hibbert Lane?
Unless you lived very close to the proposed Hibbert Lane store it is some achievement to carry say 10 Bags
of Heavy Shopping any distance!!!

This is why there would in my opinion a large and dramatic increase in the traffic within the Hibbert Lane area and within Marple Centre in General.

For example if you are a family from Marple Bridge or Stockport Road to Dan Bank Area and you currently
travel to Stockport or Bredbury to do your weekly shop, would you suddenly abandon your Car to do your weekly shop at a new store in Hibbert Lane?
If the no these families would drive to the new supermarket bringing increased traffic to the centre of Marple and the Hibbert Lane area.
This does not take into account the people from outside the Marple Area who would travel to a new store.
If the proposed New store was of a substantial size I am sure Asda, Tesco or whoever would be accounting for
people to be travelling from outside Marple to use it.

At present there are probably 150 Car Parking spaces on the Hibbert Lane College site. Say at present the majority of cars arrive between 8.30 & 9 AM and leave between 3 & 3.30 PM, which is approximately 300 car movements a day.

If a new supermarket was built and there was a similar car parking for 150 cars.

For example if the car park was always full between 8 am & 10 pm at night, each car stays an average of 30 mines that would = 300 car movements
every 30 minutes i.e. 150 in & 150 out. In total there would be over 8,000 car movements a day.

I appreciate that there we don’t know how big the car park would be or how busy it would be etc.

But given that the 150 space car park is a similar size to the Co-op there could be that many car movements over a busy period.

So in my opinion there would be without doubt be a dramatic increase in traffic.

In addition there would probably be an additional set of traffic lights and therefore a busy dangerous junction similar to the one on at Stockport Road/Hollins Lane would be created which does not
exist at present, plus all the knock on affects to the general traffic in the area.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #902 on: September 06, 2011, 08:11:37 PM »
HWL at last we agree !  Now then,  I have tried to obtain all you suggest but to no avail,  do you think you could have  a go  ???  You  may succeed where I have failed and then   all the community may have a idea as to what is going on.  Good Luck MM

I would love to have uncovered a smoking gun MM! I trust that if there is one you will beat me to it. But until we see any plans (and by that I mean drawings, not telephone conversations) then I don't think anyone should pass absolute judgement on any of these proposals.
What's the main concern is that after the governors meeting in Oct the corporation will sign with their prefered supermarket , what's worrying is this will be without planning as no plans have been submitted.  So if I were to start this campaign again I would call it STOP ! LISTEN and SPEAK TO ThE COMMUNITY   We all need to know whats happening and if it's so flipping good then why are the corporation not shouting how wonderful this will be for the people of MARPLE   I will leave you to draw your own conclusions  :-X
 say that if this happened again you said that you would stop and listen to the community...well its never too late, there are alot who want it, alot who dont and alot that are on both sides, unsure or just dont care. If you had listened to the whole community in the 1st place and had maybe a simple questionaire posted through every door in marple you would find that your no campaigh does not spek for the majority of marple, infact the numbers could all possibly be similar. Listening to the whole community would hav stopped lot of the outrage  where the no campaigners  think thecan speak on behalf of the community. I for one am discused with th comments relating to that and i know quite a few others are too.
how open will this microphone be on sarday as i feel that if anyone even suggested they were up for it they would be discriminated (like a few of the yes campaigners already have been....which for a community who are suppost to be small and supportive is discusting) or shunned away from the microphone for being brave enough to stand in front of a large crowd fighting for his/her voices to be heard over the no campaign

Sorry if i tired.
I would Like to point out that The "YES" campaginers aren't the only ones who have been discriminated, and threatend. I know that some people in marple want a tesco, for various reasons, However, There are (atleast from the current levels of support for both sides) more people who DO NOT want a supermarket than those who DO. At the end of the day however, the only way either side is going to be able to take the upper ground is the side that yells the loudest. I would unvail my "smoking gun" with regards to the abuse that has been directed toward certain "no" campaginers by a select group of, How shall I put this, Youths(?). However, i'm not going to as that Would A. create a firestorm, and B. wouldn't achieve a constructive result.
seems like both sides are being discriminated but it does not sirprise me as there are alot of angry people with very different views. The reason there is alot of no campaigners is because your campaign is bigger than ours at the moment as we are only on facebook....for now.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #901 on: September 06, 2011, 04:57:11 PM »
HWL at last we agree !  Now then,  I have tried to obtain all you suggest but to no avail,  do you think you could have  a go  ???  You  may succeed where I have failed and then   all the community may have a idea as to what is going on.  Good Luck MM

I would love to have uncovered a smoking gun MM! I trust that if there is one you will beat me to it. But until we see any plans (and by that I mean drawings, not telephone conversations) then I don't think anyone should pass absolute judgement on any of these proposals.
What's the main concern is that after the governors meeting in Oct the corporation will sign with their prefered supermarket , what's worrying is this will be without planning as no plans have been submitted.  So if I were to start this campaign again I would call it STOP ! LISTEN and SPEAK TO ThE COMMUNITY   We all need to know whats happening and if it's so flipping good then why are the corporation not shouting how wonderful this will be for the people of MARPLE   I will leave you to draw your own conclusions  :-X
 say that if this happened again you said that you would stop and listen to the community...well its never too late, there are alot who want it, alot who dont and alot that are on both sides, unsure or just dont care. If you had listened to the whole community in the 1st place and had maybe a simple questionaire posted through every door in marple you would find that your no campaigh does not spek for the majority of marple, infact the numbers could all possibly be similar. Listening to the whole community would hav stopped lot of the outrage  where the no campaigners  think thecan speak on behalf of the community. I for one am discused with th comments relating to that and i know quite a few others are too.
how open will this microphone be on sarday as i feel that if anyone even suggested they were up for it they would be discriminated (like a few of the yes campaigners already have been....which for a community who are suppost to be small and supportive is discusting) or shunned away from the microphone for being brave enough to stand in front of a large crowd fighting for his/her voices to be heard over the no campaign

Sorry if i tired.
I would Like to point out that The "YES" campaginers aren't the only ones who have been discriminated, and threatend. I know that some people in marple want a tesco, for various reasons, However, There are (atleast from the current levels of support for both sides) more people who DO NOT want a supermarket than those who DO. At the end of the day however, the only way either side is going to be able to take the upper ground is the side that yells the loudest. I would unvail my "smoking gun" with regards to the abuse that has been directed toward certain "no" campaginers by a select group of, How shall I put this, Youths(?). However, i'm not going to as that Would A. create a firestorm, and B. wouldn't achieve a constructive result.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #900 on: September 06, 2011, 01:35:21 PM »
I guess we've just got to choose who to believe.  One the one hand, the college's expensive consultants, Turner & Townsend, Bond Bryant, and Walsingham Planning, have developed for the college an accommodation strategy.  As part of that, using tried and tested methods such as space occupancy analysis, and benchmarking of heating, lighting and maintenance costs against other comparable organisations in their databases, the consultants have advised that Hibbert Lane is an inefficient building, and that the college would both save money and improve the facilities by consolidating on to the Buxton Lane site.

On the other hand, we have a guy who drives along Hibbert Lane on his way home from work, and who believes that he therefore knows better - indeed, he even thinks that one of the college's own students knows better!

Take your pick!   ::)

Duke Fame

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #899 on: September 06, 2011, 10:15:40 AM »
I think there's already far too much shouting going on!  ::) The college has set out its intentions clearly in this statement  The benefits of the plan to the community are explained in the opening sentence: 'The current 1930s buildings at Hibbert Lane are very expensive, inefficient and inappropriate for education in the 21st century. Their annual maintenance costs continue to escalate – money which should be invested in direct teaching for the benefit of the students.'

This inefficient claim still doesn't convince me. Yes, metal windows & high ceilings take a lot of heating but are reletively cheap to remedy, certainly cheaper thatn levelling the existing building and rebuilding on an already cramped site. Perhaps the A' level physics students can come up with some useful ways of making a building more efficient.

I fear that this is a vanity project, we see it a lot in the quasi-public sector where the administrator is not content with providing (in this case) education for 16-18 yr olds and want some huge project to put their name to. We've seen it in Manchester with various white elephant projects, congestion charge schemes etc.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #898 on: September 06, 2011, 09:40:07 AM »
The point here is that the college's finance is dependant on the number of students it recruits. Even if Marple Hall had a small sixth form of about 150 students it would still make a considerable impact on the college.

The possibility of a relatively small sixth form developing at a future Marple Hall Academy is a much more realistic prospect.  And as mabel points out, the school could become an academy quite quickly - IF it chose to apply.  However, raising the capital to build a sixth form centre, in the current financial climate, would take much longer, of course.   

But I can't agree that the impact on the college of 150 sixth-formers at Marple Hall would be 'considerable'.  Camsfc is a very big college, with about 2,600 full-time equivalent students across all three of its sites.  If the numbers were to fall to around 2,400 across two sites (Hibbert Lane having been sold), I suspect that the college woud still be financailly secure - indeed, probably more so than today, because the Hibbert Lane buildings are so inefficient. 

As for this:
if it's so flipping good then why are the corporation not shouting how wonderful this will be for the people of MARPLE   

I think there's already far too much shouting going on!  ::) The college has set out its intentions clearly in this statement  The benefits of the plan to the community are explained in the opening sentence: 'The current 1930s buildings at Hibbert Lane are very expensive, inefficient and inappropriate for education in the 21st century. Their annual maintenance costs continue to escalate – money which should be invested in direct teaching for the benefit of the students.'


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #897 on: September 06, 2011, 02:30:27 AM »
HWL at last we agree !  Now then,  I have tried to obtain all you suggest but to no avail,  do you think you could have  a go  ???  You  may succeed where I have failed and then   all the community may have a idea as to what is going on.  Good Luck MM

I would love to have uncovered a smoking gun MM! I trust that if there is one you will beat me to it. But until we see any plans (and by that I mean drawings, not telephone conversations) then I don't think anyone should pass absolute judgement on any of these proposals.
What's the main concern is that after the governors meeting in Oct the corporation will sign with their prefered supermarket , what's worrying is this will be without planning as no plans have been submitted.  So if I were to start this campaign again I would call it STOP ! LISTEN and SPEAK TO ThE COMMUNITY   We all need to know whats happening and if it's so flipping good then why are the corporation not shouting how wonderful this will be for the people of MARPLE   I will leave you to draw your own conclusions  :-X
 say that if this happened again you said that you would stop and listen to the community...well its never too late, there are alot who want it, alot who dont and alot that are on both sides, unsure or just dont care. If you had listened to the whole community in the 1st place and had maybe a simple questionaire posted through every door in marple you would find that your no campaigh does not spek for the majority of marple, infact the numbers could all possibly be similar. Listening to the whole community would hav stopped lot of the outrage  where the no campaigners  think thecan speak on behalf of the community. I for one am discused with th comments relating to that and i know quite a few others are too.
how open will this microphone be on sarday as i feel that if anyone even suggested they were up for it they would be discriminated (like a few of the yes campaigners already have been....which for a community who are suppost to be small and supportive is discusting) or shunned away from the microphone for being brave enough to stand in front of a large crowd fighting for his/her voices to be heard over the no campaign

Sorry if i tired.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #896 on: September 05, 2011, 11:52:44 PM »
HWL at last we agree !  Now then,  I have tried to obtain all you suggest but to no avail,  do you think you could have  a go  ???  You  may succeed where I have failed and then   all the community may have a idea as to what is going on.  Good Luck MM

I would love to have uncovered a smoking gun MM! I trust that if there is one you will beat me to it. But until we see any plans (and by that I mean drawings, not telephone conversations) then I don't think anyone should pass absolute judgement on any of these proposals.
What's the main concern is that after the governors meeting in Oct the corporation will sign with their prefered supermarket , what's worrying is this will be without planning as no plans have been submitted.  So if I were to start this campaign again I would call it STOP ! LISTEN and SPEAK TO ThE COMMUNITY   We all need to know whats happening and if it's so flipping good then why are the corporation not shouting how wonderful this will be for the people of MARPLE   I will leave you to draw your own conclusions  :-X


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #895 on: September 05, 2011, 10:47:57 PM »
Right, so any advance on sponsoring a booklet?

My understanding is that they are sponsors of the Marple Festival this year and last year, not just a booklet.

The cooperative group supports a number of local, national and international initiatives. I don't have the individual details, but there is a lot of stuff on the website. I did find a very interesting link on the website about the Community Fund which allocates smaller grants to local initiatives where you can search by postcode, a few in Marple came up - I'm not really sure how to add links but I'll give it a go

I work for the cooperative so I cannot claim independance, but my experience is they support their staff in involvement in volunteering work for the benefit of the community. I cannot comment further and can't enter into any discussion, but there are links on their website for Customer Relations if you want any further information.

Fair enough and all useful info. Thanks.

I'm sure if we approached Asda or Tesco they would quote similar initiatives. No one could argue that it is fair to take info on the co-op in this area from their PR teams, and then look to Tescopoly and related sites to get the same thing for Asda and Tesco.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #894 on: September 05, 2011, 10:42:01 PM »
HWL at last we agree !  Now then,  I have tried to obtain all you suggest but to no avail,  do you think you could have  a go  ???  You  may succeed where I have failed and then   all the community may have a idea as to what is going on.  Good Luck MM

I would love to have uncovered a smoking gun MM! I trust that if there is one you will beat me to it. But until we see any plans (and by that I mean drawings, not telephone conversations) then I don't think anyone should pass absolute judgement on any of these proposals.