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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 789084 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1058 on: October 23, 2011, 12:17:13 PM »
Im on the fence at the moment but I do think that Tina has raised an important point. I myself witnessed a Tesco delivery van taking shopping into a house on Hibbert Lane that has a NO poster in their window and I know someone else was driving along Hibbert Lane and saw another NO resident carrying Tesco bags from their car boot. It could be argued that this is very hypocritical and nimbyish, they don't want a supermarket yards from their own home but they are happy to travel to another town where a supermarket is built only yards from other peoples homes. MIA might be quick to say that these observations are petty but I see it as they are skirting around an important issue that needs to be addressed.

Whenever I'm walking around Marple, I always see Sainsburys, Asda, Ocado and Tesco delivery vans which are a sign that Marple does need another supermarket.

Great post!


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1057 on: October 23, 2011, 12:11:10 PM »
The responses from Mrs O and Miss Marple are exactly what I was expecting. Your campaign is not going to be won by emotions.

The issue I raised is a constructive and logical argument, not emotional. Whichever supermarket is interested in Hibbert Lane will already be aware that the majority of the NO and YES groups do their main shop outside of Marple or get it delivered from a supermarket outside of Marple. What are your going to say to them when they present these facts, are you going to say "it's stupid and irrelevant" to them like you do on here?

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1056 on: October 23, 2011, 11:56:58 AM »
Hi Belly this has been well covered and surveys conducted by  MIA experienced marketing teams have been taking place since late June.  The is a lot of work going on behind the scenes which will become clearer as the campaign develops IE when a planning application if any is submitted.

I am not part of the Marketing Teams so can not answer questions if asked.  This is not an avoidance it is just not my area of particular practice


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1055 on: October 23, 2011, 11:46:54 AM »
Miss Marple you miss part of the point here. Peoples shopping habits (collectively rather than individually) will be a huge issue at any planning appeal in this scheme. Tesco / Asda et al will have reams and reams of information on shopping catchments, demand profiling, etc. All from the 'loyalty' cards that most of us carry.

They will try to use this to demonstrate that a huge number of Marple residents travel out of the town every week to shop, thereby demonstrating a 'need' for a new store. If they win this argument, which at the moment MIA themselves don't appear to be contesting, the next question then is 'is Hibbert Lane the only available and demonstrably deliverable site for a new store'. This is quite a difficult question to answer at the moment, as the other 'alternative site' thread is demonstrating. It offers the chink of light that the store developers are banking on by taking on the fight.

I thing the yes campaign recognise this, even if they haven't perhaps made the argument in quite the best terms.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1054 on: October 23, 2011, 11:43:40 AM »
Even though I have given you details of my shopping habits, this is not what the NO campaign is about.   The NO campaign is about, increased traffic , loss of local shops, noise and light pollution, change of possible infer structure, loss of an education site and much, much more.
We live in a democracy and enjoy the freedom that affords us. I can assure people 100% that in supporting MIA your shopping outside of Marple is not an issue.  I feel this debate is becoming very childish and trying to score points regarding people shopping habits is  stupid. 

It could be argued that another supermarket on the sorting office land, would cause more traffic problems than if it was at Hibbert Lane. Where would the shoppers park? which road would be used for access? what about the homes on Chadwick street? The site is even closer to those houses than they are on Hibbert Lane.  The local shops could still suffer if your argument that people only shop in 1 store then whats to say they wont do this in the new one? Your campaign contradicts itself. I didn't ask for your shopping habits amazon did, I commented because you turned it to the yes group monitoring peoples shopping habits. I think it is a valid point that MIA want to save the shops but then shop out of Marple. I get home deliveries from asda for my main groceries and get items from Marple as well.  I have to get home deliveries because the co-op for me is just not good enough, if there was a supermarket on Hibbert Lane then I could go and choose my own food on a day and time what suits me. but instead I have to do it online 2 days before and make sure I'm home in the 2 hour slot. the money I could save on not paying the delivery charge over a year is better for me and my family. Maybe I could afford a holiday for me and my children, a luxury some people take for granted.

It has been repeated so many times that the subject is becoming boring.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1053 on: October 23, 2011, 11:02:41 AM »
I am not avoiding anything but feel people are objecting to a supermarket for various reasons but I have no real alternative than to shop local  I work in Marple and have a VERY demanding job so by the end of the day I would not even want to shop in a supermarket even if it was next door to where I live.  I shop local daily  in my lunch hour and at weekends I go to big city or visit family and may visit a large supermarket on my return or have a home delivery especially when Carte Noire is on offer at any major supermarket but that does not mean I want a supermarket on Hibbert Lane.  Make of my shopping habits as you like but remember I don't have a SKY dish  ;) so choose to spend the money I save  the odd time on home delivery which is about 3 times a year and this includes Ice Land in Marple
I support my local shps and when Costa comes you will see me in there as well as all the other coffee shops and dare I say public house,   Some evenings I go to my friends sisters, Shirley's  chippy near Goyt mill and when friends are round we have a curry / Chinese delivery.  I only ever go to the local pictures mainly because I finish work too late to go anywhere else.  I use Teds garage for my car, I did use Albert's Garage but sadly it's no longer there. 
Even though I have given you details of my shopping habits, this is not what the NO campaign is about.   The NO campaign is about, increased traffic , loss of local shops, noise and light pollution, change of possible infer structure, loss of an education site and much, much more.
We live in a democracy and enjoy the freedom that affords us. I can assure people 100% that in supporting MIA your shopping outside of Marple is not an issue.  I feel this debate is becoming very childish and trying to score points regarding people shopping habits is  stupid. 

Steptoe and Son

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1052 on: October 23, 2011, 10:28:22 AM »
How ridiculous...people can't object to a supermarket because they shop at...other supermarkets.  Because people buy groceries, Marple therefore 'needs' a supermarket...what facile arguments.  What next, will those in favour take the names of all the students that travel from Marple to Aquinas?


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1051 on: October 23, 2011, 09:52:49 AM »
The yes group just wanted to highlight that MIA are asking people to support the local shops but then themselves shop outside of Marple, shopping in shops what are already in Marple. Its funny how someone asks you a reasonable question but you choose not to answer it but instead point the finger at the yes group.
Firstly, I don't think that people have to say where they shop,wether it be Marple,out of town or both unless they want to.I wouldn't say MIA constantly shout Save our local shops,They do not want a supermarket on Hibbert Lane which would help the survival of the shops we have now.When I went to the dentist in Hyde last week I bought some shampoo from Superdrug,Shoot me now!the Marple branch may have to close.How do you know the people you see shopping out of Marple are against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane,do they have a blue spot on their foreheads?This spying business is just crazy and whats more hilarious ;D


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1050 on: October 23, 2011, 08:48:41 AM »
Im on the fence at the moment but I do think that Tina has raised an important point. I myself witnessed a Tesco delivery van taking shopping into a house on Hibbert Lane that has a NO poster in their window and I know someone else was driving along Hibbert Lane and saw another NO resident carrying Tesco bags from their car boot. It could be argued that this is very hypocritical and nimbyish, they don't want a supermarket yards from their own home but they are happy to travel to another town where a supermarket is built only yards from other peoples homes. MIA might be quick to say that these observations are petty but I see it as they are skirting around an important issue that needs to be addressed.

Whenever I'm walking around Marple, I always see Sainsburys, Asda, Ocado and Tesco delivery vans which are a sign that Marple does need another supermarket.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1049 on: October 23, 2011, 12:14:36 AM »
The yes group just wanted to highlight that MIA are asking people to support the local shops but then themselves shop outside of Marple, shopping in shops what are already in Marple. Its funny how someone asks you a reasonable question but you choose not to answer it but instead point the finger at the yes group.

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1048 on: October 22, 2011, 09:20:50 PM »
  I am against a supermarket on Hibbert Lane not supermarkets, home delivery, or people shopping where they want to shop.   I think you may need to  watch the area Committee video and you will find that  it's the Yes campaign that have been monitoring peoples shopping habits not MIA  ;)


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1047 on: October 22, 2011, 08:18:16 PM »
As I've said before, I've got no connection with the college other that two of our children went there a few years ago. 'Selective'? Give me an example.
OK here's one of many !  There are two other requirement that the YPLA require ! Best value is only one and even  this can be challenged  by the other two requirements but  you must i feel already know this, so this is why I feel at times you are selective with your information  ;)

             Where do you shop Miss Marple . your main shop i mean .  :)

Miss Marple

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1046 on: October 22, 2011, 07:37:21 PM »
As I've said before, I've got no connection with the college other that two of our children went there a few years ago. 'Selective'? Give me an example.
OK here's one of many !  There are two other requirement that the YPLA require ! Best value is only one and even  this can be challenged  by the other two requirements but  you must i feel already know this, so this is why I feel at times you are selective with your information  ;)


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1045 on: October 22, 2011, 12:59:01 PM »


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1044 on: October 22, 2011, 12:55:44 PM »
Miss M's relentless vilification of our college principal makes entertaining reading. However, is is entirely misplaced. Major issues such as the acquisition or disposal of land or property are the reponsibility of the governing body. They would not be allowed to delegate them to the principal.
I bet she's shaking in her boots with worry.   Whilst you are right in some of the things you say, I fear on others you are selective   Are you standing for governor by any chance or have any other interests  in CAMSFC     ???
                      AND if he was .then what .