What will be your deciding factor Belly ! I hope those plans never get to the table ? Hopefully by then we will have an independent councillor batting for Marple and it's community
I'm not sure to be honest. My gut feeling is not to prescribe to the general 'fear of the dark' regarding a supermarket's impact on the town centre, at least not if it wer to be of an appropriate size. Speaking from a personal perspective, a decent store in Marple would probably get me to use the town centre more regularly, as at the moment I travel out of the town weekly for my big shop (indeed, I'll be off on such a trip in 5 minutes time!). I'm also yet to be convinced of the traffic chaos that all predict - thats more from a professional perspective and again depends on the store size proposed. I want to see the nuts and bolts of what is being put forward. I many respects in traffic terms HL is a better site that Chadwick Street.
I appreciate the immediate resident's concerns about impact on their lives and I have sympathy for that, but my view, to a degree, is that 'life moves on' and if we are to have 'progress' in life, it sometimes has an effect on people. Finding the balance between serving the community and the impact on the individual is one of the key remits of the of planning system. Now I appreciate 'progess' and 'superstore' are perhaps mutually exclusive terms, but re-development of the HL campus will have impacts on neighbours whatever the proposals and I suspect that in order for the College to flourish, redevelopment will take place in some form or another eventually. I don't want to frustrate the evolution of Marple as a modern place to live.
So, I am still definitely a fence sitter at the momen I'm afraid. I'm always wary of a knee jerk reaction to say no to things that are new, but I am definitely wary of what the proposals may mean for the town. For now, I wish to guage the intensity of development proposed and come a conclusion on the extent of impact. To do that I need to see a scheme. Until then I want to contribute to the debate, to see both side of the argument and make my mind up. Rest assured I will be carrying out my own personal audit of any Transport Assessment submitted for the scheme. I also know that the SMBC highways officer will do a very thorough job - we've jousted on other development schemes across the Borough many times in the past!