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Author Topic: Tesco / ASDA !!!  (Read 804479 times)

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1898 on: September 24, 2012, 07:17:34 PM »
Re: Chadwick Street as a possible Aldi

Planning permission has been submitted for an Aldi on the site of Offerton precinct (see DC/050745 or here), so with the Romiley and Hazel Grove stores surely this rules out another in Marple? A mini Waitrose would be far better for the town centre anyway, especially in terms of bringing in shoppers likely to support locally-owned shops.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1897 on: September 24, 2012, 05:55:52 PM »
Linking the two sites is a bit more than changing "focus" it is an entirely different presentation whatsoever. There will be many who are against a stand alone greedy supermarket but who would accept it as a reasonable price to pay for a brand new College secured to Marple for the forseeable future with all the benefits that this brings to Marple. I may be wrong ( I have been thousands of times before ) but this is something that SMBC is going to find very difficult to reject.

Sorry Simone but I beg to differ, the planning application can only be judged on planning grounds alone. The Supermarket is outside the designated District Centre. There is available space within the District Centre. The Council will have to change the designated District Centre to allow the Supermarket to be built.

That is indeed the case

I wish I had the confidence in the integrity of SMBC systems that you obviously have Victor and Wheels - but I don't. What I do have confidence in is the guile and trickery of our local politicians. If they want this scheme they will have it. It doesn't matter what they say in public. It's what they do in the confines of the Town Hall that counts. You just watch this space as soon as the planning application goes in a different set of noises will begin to emit from SMBC.    
On what basis do you question the integrity of the local authority Simone. It seems to me we have a well run local authority that consistantly scores highly on various measures whenever they are assessed.  Its not good enough to question the authority without providing evidence to back up your claims.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1896 on: September 24, 2012, 05:35:23 PM »
Linking the two sites is a bit more than changing "focus" it is an entirely different presentation whatsoever. There will be many who are against a stand alone greedy supermarket but who would accept it as a reasonable price to pay for a brand new College secured to Marple for the forseeable future with all the benefits that this brings to Marple. I may be wrong ( I have been thousands of times before ) but this is something that SMBC is going to find very difficult to reject.

Sorry Simone but I beg to differ, the planning application can only be judged on planning grounds alone. The Supermarket is outside the designated District Centre. There is available space within the District Centre. The Council will have to change the designated District Centre to allow the Supermarket to be built.

That is indeed the case

I wish I had the confidence in the integrity of SMBC systems that you obviously have Victor and Wheels - but I don't. What I do have confidence in is the guile and trickery of our local politicians. If they want this scheme they will have it. It doesn't matter what they say in public. It's what they do in the confines of the Town Hall that counts. You just watch this space as soon as the planning application goes in a different set of noises will begin to emit from SMBC.   


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1895 on: September 24, 2012, 01:42:17 PM »
Linking the two sites is a bit more than changing "focus" it is an entirely different presentation whatsoever. There will be many who are against a stand alone greedy supermarket but who would accept it as a reasonable price to pay for a brand new College secured to Marple for the forseeable future with all the benefits that this brings to Marple. I may be wrong ( I have been thousands of times before ) but this is something that SMBC is going to find very difficult to reject.

Sorry Simone but I beg to differ, the planning application can only be judged on planning grounds alone. The Supermarket is outside the designated District Centre. There is available space within the District Centre. The Council will have to change the designated District Centre to allow the Supermarket to be built.

That is indeed the case

Victor M

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1894 on: September 24, 2012, 11:46:46 AM »
Linking the two sites is a bit more than changing "focus" it is an entirely different presentation whatsoever. There will be many who are against a stand alone greedy supermarket but who would accept it as a reasonable price to pay for a brand new College secured to Marple for the forseeable future with all the benefits that this brings to Marple. I may be wrong ( I have been thousands of times before ) but this is something that SMBC is going to find very difficult to reject.

Sorry Simone but I beg to differ, the planning application can only be judged on planning grounds alone. The Supermarket is outside the designated District Centre. There is available space within the District Centre. The Council will have to change the designated District Centre to allow the Supermarket to be built.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1893 on: September 24, 2012, 10:33:55 AM »
There is no guarantee anywhere that if the planning application is approved, that the college can't just collect the money and then bugger off to Cheadle.

No guarantee, but as I have pointed out before on this forum this is so unlikely that it can safely be discounted.  This is because closure of its entire Marple operation would lead to an immediate and significant reduction in the college's student numbers, and therefore income.  In theory, of course, Marple students could travel to Cheadle - but many (probably most) simply won't.  They will vote with their feet and go to Aquinas (if they can get in), or Stockport College, or New Mills School, or get on the train and go in to Manchester.

Councils' can't just turn things down without good reason and imho good reason is diminishing as each day goes by..... I can't really see what can be done to realistically oppose the scheme.
I wish you were right, Simone, but we can't be so sure.  AFAIK the Hibbert Lane site remains zoned for residential use, not retail, and that must surely count as a 'good reason'.  And as for this:  

There will be many who are against a stand alone greedy supermarket but who would accept it as a reasonable price to pay for a brand new College secured to Marple for the forseeable future with all the benefits that this brings to Marple.....this is something that SMBC is going to find very difficult to reject.

That may be so - once again, I would like to think so - but I see no evidence of that point of view being held by any of our councillors or by our MP. I have had some communication with some of them on this subject, and I have been quite shocked by their 'couldn't care less' position on the college's plans to improve its facilities for the benefit of their constituents.  For what it's worth, I suspect that this is not so much because they don't care about education, but more because they have been spineless, and cowed by the noisy campaign waged by MIA and its supporters.  


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1892 on: September 24, 2012, 10:29:14 AM »
Miss Marple
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  Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #170 on: July 18, 2011, 01:03:49 PM » 

A local action group has now been formed surprisingly enough called  ' MARPLE IN ACTION '. The contact details will be circulated later this week.  The group comprises of concerned local residents who want to find out what the land at the college is being sold for and to who, and most importantly we want all local residents who will be effected by any development to know  that changes are coming no matter who is purchasing the college.   The local press are going to work alongside ' MARPLE IN ACTION'. And hopefully run  a story next week, what's happening at Stepping hill  Hospital is hot news this week.   

How can Miss Marple be sacked? You can see above MIA was started by her.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1891 on: September 24, 2012, 09:08:41 AM »
You're quite right Victor there are no "guarantees".

It is though my understanding that Asda have stated that they will refurbish the College according to plan and to completion, using their own established contractors, before they even start work on building the supermarket.

Linking the two sites is a bit more than changing "focus" it is an entirely different presentation whatsoever. There will be many who are against a stand alone greedy supermarket but who would accept it as a reasonable price to pay for a brand new College secured to Marple for the forseeable future with all the benefits that this brings to Marple. I may be wrong ( I have been thousands of times before ) but this is something that SMBC is going to find very difficult to reject.

It's an entirely different ball game than the one that precipitated the meeting in the park or the marches last summer. Councils' can't just turn things down without good reason and imho good reason is diminishing as each day goes by. I really think that you have to accept the reality now. Which is that Asda is very probably coming to town. I can't really see what can be done to realistically oppose the scheme.

We can talk of course....

Victor M

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1890 on: September 24, 2012, 08:34:35 AM »
The situation will be much different now that Asda have declared their enabling plan. As I have previously said it was at first ...Are you against the ASDA on Hibbert Lane? Now it is are you for or against the Marple College/ASDA development ? This is is an entirely different thing.
There are two reasons that the development at Hibbert Lane and Buxton Kane have been linked.

1 The college want to decrease the amount of Green Space on Buxton Lane, there cannot be any overall reduction in Green Space so at the Hibbert Lane site the plans show an increase in Green Space.

2 ASDA/Walmart would very much like to change the focus of their planning application.

There is no guarantee anywhere that if the planning application is approved, that the college can't just collect the money and then bugger off to Cheadle.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1889 on: September 24, 2012, 08:28:18 AM »
It's time for a quality supermarket to invest in the area. Why are all the lower end supermarkets getting the publicity? I'm not convinced Asda, Aldi, Co-op will suit a significant proportion of the community.

As, has been said before, you will have no say in it whatsoever. You will have to accept what you are given whether it be Aldi or Waitrose or not even asupermarket at all. There are at least ten other options for the site all legitimate and just as much a part of SMBC's plan. Retail was only the "preferred option"... at that time.     


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1888 on: September 24, 2012, 08:02:41 AM »
The Chadwick Street Site was brought into the equation by local Councillors who were opposed to the  Hibbert Lane Development even before they knew any details other than it was ..."probably going to be a supermarket". It was considered that a supermarket on Chadwick St (albeit a comparitively small one) would;

a) Bring footfall into the town centre that local traders would benefit from.

b) Not cause as much traffic convergence on Marple as the Hibbert lane development.

c) Weaken the argument about a town the size of Marple being inadequately served by a supermarket provision.

However it should be remembered that all this was put in motion last year before Asda had revealed their plans or even their identity. In fact it was established that it was Tesco if my recall is correct.

The situation will be much different now that Asda have declared their enabling plan. As I have previously said it was at first ...Are you against the ASDA on Hibbert Lane? Now it is are you for or against the Marple College/ASDA development ? This is is an entirely different thing.

On a recent development ASDA made a new presentation to local Councillors last week and offered them even further assurances about the Hibbert lane development. My information is that local Councillors now face the conundrum of bringing about CAMSFC'S plans without seeming to do a "u turn" in public. Although if you think about this it is quite easy to solve.

In relation to the existing parking on Chadwick Street it was resolved at a previous Area Committee (minuted in the proposal) that a key aspect of any proposal would be to retain the existing number of parking spaces. I park there now and again and when I do it always seems to be nearly empty...maybe I go at the wrong times.

Incidentally, heard that Miss Marple had been "sacked" from MIA for a variety of reasons. Thought that she'd been silent of late, are you out there Miss M ?   



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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1887 on: September 23, 2012, 10:09:00 PM »
removing much needed general parking in the local centre,
I am lead to believe that there will be no loss of car parking spaces on the Chadwick St site. The supermarket will be cut into the site (which is on a slope and the car park will continue onto the roof of new building. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, it will be a single storey building.

But Victor, the sheer fact that lots of people will be using the car park to visit the new store will potentially reduce the number of spaces on offer to the rest of the Town Centre. Should the car park be on the roof of the store, that also makes those spaces much less attractive for general parking.

Apart from being in the 'town centre' (except that in reality the town centre turns it's back on the site), I really don't see any great advantages to Chadwick Street. HGV servicing for one thing, will not be pretty - although if its to be an Aldi, that would normally be via the car park.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1886 on: September 23, 2012, 09:11:12 PM »
You can get waitrose delivered to your door!
Use that.

Miss C

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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1885 on: September 23, 2012, 09:06:44 PM »
It's time for a quality supermarket to invest in the area. Why are all the lower end supermarkets getting the publicity? I'm not convinced Asda, Aldi, Co-op will suit a significant proportion of the community.


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Re: Tesco / ASDA !!!
« Reply #1884 on: September 23, 2012, 08:53:13 PM »
Aldi on chadwick street would be good for marple and also would be a massive margin busting kick in the teeth for a potential asda.
Lets all get behind chadwick stsuper market  whoever it is