No, I meant Hibbert lane. Googling around, I have found this definition of an 'edge of centre' development:
Edge of Centre. As defined in PPS4 - “For retail purposes, a location that is well
connected to and within easy walking distance (ie. up to 300 metres) of the primary
shopping area. For all other main town centre uses, this is likely to be within 300 metres of
a town centre boundary. In determining whether a site falls within the definition of edge-ofcentre,
account should be taken of local circumstances. For example, local topography
will affect pedestrians’ perceptions of easy walking distance from the centre. Other
considerations include barriers, such as crossing major roads and car parks, the
attractiveness and perceived safety of the route and the strength of attraction and size of
the town centre. A site will not be well connected to a centre where it is physically
separated from it by a barrier such as a major road, railway line or river and there is no
existing or proposed pedestrian route which provides safe and convenient access to the
PPS4 is the Government's Planning Policy Statement no 4.
I think Chadwick Street would be regarded as being in the centre.