A gentle and effective approach to whole body health, to help reduce pain, improve mobility and promote healing

Author Topic: What shops do you use regular in marple .  (Read 19199 times)

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My login is Henrietta

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2011, 05:09:01 PM »
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great.   Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)

Good luck to them
Well there are several other beauticians and hairdressers offering beauty therapy of varying sorts in Marple already (I go to Lucy above the cake decorators in Market Street. She does an excellent pedicure without the assistance of fish). I would have thought the fishy place might be a one visit wonder.

Miss Marple

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2011, 05:02:09 PM »
Well there's one shop we all won't be shopping in just heard Mulligans is up for sale !   It's a sad day  :'(

My login is Henrietta

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2011, 04:59:56 PM »
I use online shopping usually but i also shop local, usually..

 But many people are on a budget and things are cheaper online etc. so it is sadly inevitable.

But you have to pay carriage when you shop on line and you invariably have to pay to return things, you have no prior knowlege of the quality (at least in Neals you can caress the cabbage before you buy), you don't know 'til it's delivered if the sweater fits and then you have the fag of waiting in to sign for it and when it doesn't fit, taking it to the post office or arranging for the carrier to pick it up, all of which is more hassle than parking (free) on the cattle yard and walking the few yards to the shops to try on and buy on the spot.

My login is Henrietta

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2011, 04:48:37 PM »
If this little survey shows anything, its that most of us don't shop regularly in Marple. So a new supermarket would have little effect on the local shops.
Can't agree with your last point.

I've only been shopping in Marple for the last year but the range of "small" shops is great compared with my previous domicile. Bread bought from the man who bakes it, meat from shops where the butcher knows its provenance, knitting wools, clothes shops which don't stock racks of the same style in the same colour and sell good quality stuff that will last, craft materials from two ladies who can advise you on how to use their stuff, a decorating shop staffed by people who know what a paint brush is for, hairdressers coming out of our ears, beauticians, cake decorators, an underwear shop where the proprietress can sell you a bra that actually fits, cafes that don't belong to chains, a toy shop, a pet shop (again where the proprietors know what they are talking about), proper greengrocers, and a proper stationers, a furniture shop which can also solve your flooring problems, etc., etc. (Apologies if I've left you out.)

You can (and I have done) buy anything in Marple from a needle to a motor car! And on top of all that there is cheap and/or free parking in abundance. I love it.


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2011, 04:02:15 PM »
I use online shopping usually but i also shop local, usually..

The card shop Hallmark/Thorntons
Toymaster (bit hard with the buggy though so can't use it as much as would like)
Newsagents near swim baths
Hairdresser (Angel)

My kids use

Stationary shop

Hopefully when my little one is walking I will be able to use more local shops. Many I can't get in with the buggy or it is awkward down aisles etc. I think also wider social changes have led to people using local shops less. I always feel abit sad when new shops open and soon close. But many people are on a budget and things are cheaper online etc. so it is sadly inevitable. I think the campaigns to encourage people to shop locally are great and more of a push such as the 'use us or loose us' signs make people thing. But another thing is people have less time. For example dual income families.;there are less people around in the daytime for example.

Duke Fame

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2011, 03:22:40 PM »
Bargain Booze
The Butchers on the precinct
The pound plus shop precinct
The fish blerk next to the pub on the precinct
The Greengrocers on the precinct
The Spanish place when the sun is out.

I go to Heaton Moor to Eternal Envy to buy the wife something nice.


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2011, 09:50:38 PM »
Co-op for bits and pieces.........LOVE Bryce and all the staff there, really friendly! (Would like to commend an employee called Mark who went to great lengths to find something I had been looking for but couldn't locate, great customer service from this young man!) But........must admit am a great Sainsbury's fan and go there whenever I can!

Lisa Oldham

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2011, 10:08:00 AM »
I main shop at asda!  sorry!
but use hollins
coop - shop and petrol
pink parrot

less regularly
marple express
golden flower

Id love to buy fresh meat and veg and bread locally but i simply cant afford it.. and i know its better and i know its not full of the crap that they pump into the supermarket meats however I'm single mum to 4 kids and with a very limited budget
I wouldn't use a tesco... simply cos its not as cheap as asda and aldi..


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #24 on: June 29, 2011, 11:10:54 PM »
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great.   Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)

Good luck to them

Be careful!

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12595809

"Health experts are investigating the safety of fish pedicures after concerns that this latest pampering craze could spread infections."

Quite obvious really.

I have to agree, I wouldnt want to put my feet in a tank where many feet have been, the thought of it makes me feel queasy :(


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2011, 08:59:18 PM »
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great.   Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)

Good luck to them

Be careful!

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12595809

"Health experts are investigating the safety of fish pedicures after concerns that this latest pampering craze could spread infections."

Quite obvious really.


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2011, 08:26:09 PM »
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great.   Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)

Good luck to them
            one in stockport next to vodaphone


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2011, 08:04:03 PM »
  iceland, martins,  in case anyone need overalls, e and e  overalls at the albert schools sell them at the door.


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2011, 07:50:49 PM »
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great.   Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)

Good luck to them

Stationery Supplies

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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2011, 03:00:22 PM »
Sorry that wasn't clear and I got it wrong! There are two houses and 'O' between the new Fishy shop and me.


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Re: What shops do you use regular in marple .
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2011, 02:42:43 PM »
so whats next door to you thought it was a house your on the end on your own