Your ageist remarks are not welcome and for your information, most of the elderly around that college site were born bred and worked in our mill industry I KNOW ! I understand that you are to new to the area and possibly do not understand that we are a strong close nit community going back many generations and that we all really know one another, one way or another Most people would aspire to retire in the country after a life time of working so why oh why would you think that our elderly locals deserve to live in such close proximity to a huge commercial operation MARPLE people have always welcomed new people into our community but there is always is an exception
It's not agist at all, we all get old at some point, I have a father who is older than me so I know. I was
simply making the point that a supermarket on Hibbert lane could actually be a benefit to the elderly
Hibbert Lane rather than a hindrance. As eyesores go, a store is not going to be as intrusive as say the mills
once were also think it's irrelevant that I'm not local, I'm local now
Just out of question, have you ever seen "elderly" people shopping? They don't just go to the nearest place because they "don't have to walk as far" they go to make a day of it, they go because they can talk to people, stop at a nice shop for a coffee and a chat with friends.
Also, just for the record, my names dan, Marjorie.
Yes when the mills were built they were an eyesore, but now they are accepted, and they give this village something that many places don't have.