Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: would you use Tesco / ASDA or any other supermarket if it came to marple .  (Read 44651 times)

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Miss Marple

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 Honest answers please some of you have said you shop regularly in Marple but not for your main shop
 would you use tesco or any other supermarket if it came to Marple .
Yes !   I am not against any supermarket but not on Hibbert Lane where most of our elderly residents live in the bungalows and across the road in flats


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In answer to the question, yes I would use a supermarket if it came to Marple , I get annoyed with myself every time I spend money in the co op becausse its so expensive :( .... Asda would be great , but whether it would be great on Hibbert Lane is a different thing .

I know that the Coop is more expensive than some other supermarkets but it is exactly the reason why it and the independent shops have been able to co-exist. Going to the Coop is more expensive but more convenient for everything under one roof, whereas shopping at the independent local stores is cheaper but more time consuming. This set up allows people to make up their own minds about how and where they want to shop. A large, cheaper supermarket will undercut all of these shops (including the Coop) and drive them out of business. THe centre of Marple will then effectively close down, leading to vandalism and anti social behaviour. It will not be a pleasant and safe place to raise our children if this happens.


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  Honest answers please some of you have said you shop regularly in Marple but not for your main shop
 would you use tesco or any other supermarket if it came to Marple .


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In answer to the question, yes I would use a supermarket if it came to Marple , I get annoyed with myself every time I spend money in the co op becausse its so expensive :( .... Asda would be great , but whether it would be great on Hibbert Lane is a different thing .


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Idealy it would have been great if Asda had taken over the co op like they did  in Hazel grove .


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Short answer -  NO!
Long answer - NO!


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No - that is all


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As a public body, funded by the taxpayer, camsfc would probably not even be allowed to sell the land for less than 'best consideration' - jargon for the highest bidder.


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Irrespective of what CAMSFC is, selling the land to the highest bidder without considering the future is WRONG. If the result is large supermarket like Tesco Portwood, the consequences for Marple will be detrimental to the well-being of residents. The result would be a less sustainable lifetyle, with more traffic, more pollution and a destruction of the village atmosphere.  Young people would be much better off growing up in Marple as it is now, rather than a post-Tesco Marple.

This is not the way to finance an educational establishment.


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Surely, though, the college as a business is going to sell to the highest bidder? I think it would be very unlikely they will go millions lower-even if they had extreme goodwill to the community. I also very much doubt SMBC will add money to anything such as housing. Also, people often object to new council estates.

I have a feeling, if it is Tesco as the high bidder, that they will be sweet talking the council and community to win over opposition. In other areas, they have built conservation areas ajoining retail units etc. So I wouldn't be surprised if the leisure centre idea is true. they probably already know (people have mentioned surveys etc.) that the Co-op is unpopular and has a monopoly; thus giving them a good argument for their store (in their eyes) on top of the jobs argument.


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I would use another store if it was not on the Hibbert Lane Site.  Hey has  anyone  bothered to ask the large cluster of elderly people who will be most effected by the development due to living at the side and across the road from it.  Oops!  most of them havent got acsess to the internet, blimey most don't own a car either to get to the meeting. Strange old world that the people who it will directly affect are the ones least likely to have a voice.  I don't live as near to the development as they do !  Do you   ???

A Tesco would be ide ;)al for them just bob across the road .

I live facing the campus and it would not be ideal for me! Completely disagree.  Selling to residential housing developer with a contribution from SMBC (which I believe could be provided) should be enough to allow the college to do what it needs to do, whilst keeping the local community happy. 

Would anyone like to live facing the Portwood Tesco? 

I am not against progress but believe it can be achieved in a way that can keep most people happy.


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The [people*] at CAMSFC' are running the local college where our kids and grankids go. They are grabbing the money in order to provide our children with much better facilities. I appreciate that some people do not want a big supermarket on Hibbert Lane, but that kind of abuse is completely unwarranted*.

* Unacceptable references from earlier post have been overwritten. Admin


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There is an interesting parallel concerning the development of the now-closed BAE factory in Woodford. Here the local residents are being invited to contribute to plans, which will probably include residential, retail and leisure uses. The difference is that at Woodford the council own the land, not those [people*] at CAMSFC.

Re the original post- Tesco, WalMart (sorry - Asda) NO WAY on principle
Sainsburys - unlikely (most of their profit goes to the Quatari royal family - they rip us off enough with their oil)
Morrisons, Aldi, - more likely
LIDL - probably not, too down-market.

* Please do not use expletives on the forum, even with hashes etc. Admin


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  If the Hibbert Lane site was developed to include affordable housing, a family friendly pub, a leisure centre with swimming pool and a children's play area then this would benefit the people of Marple. 

I agree but, sadly, I think the college will go to this highest bidder which will almost certainly be a supermarket chain.


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I agree that some people seem blind to the effect that this will have on Marple as a town - it will affect everybody living here, not just those in the immediate vicinity of the site.  There are other sites which could be used for a suitably sized supermarket for LOCAL people nearer or in the town centre.  If the Hibbert Lane site was developed to include affordable housing, a family friendly pub, a leisure centre with swimming pool and a children's play area then this would benefit the people of Marple.  A superstore will benefit those living in "nice" areas round about who won't have to live with it on their doorstep.  They won't contribute to the local community and will drown us in traffic fumes.